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Elizabeth Bourne is involved in the Systemic Movement, which advocates for the advancement of women in the “fields of the future.”

Polytechnic graduate Elisabeth Bourne has joined Sistemic, a movement launched in 2022 with the aim of increasing the presence of women in scientific and technological fields, Sistemic announced this Monday in a press release. “This is an opportunity for me to continue to fight for women’s place in our society,” says Elizabeth Bourne, who will serve as a spokesperson for the donor-funded campaign.

“We need more women in engineering training and in science and technology fields in general. This is a question of gender equality, but also of our competitiveness and our growth,” adds the former prime minister, who became an MP again after leaving Matignon in January.

Encourage parity

Through forums, a recruitment platform and, in particular, mentoring, Sistemic wants to encourage the participation of women in science and technology sectors where they are underrepresented, which excludes them from opportunities in the “careers of the future” (computer science, technology, engineering). , research, finance, etc.), explains the movement.

The Strategic Council, chaired by Elisabeth Bourne, “will meet periodically to assess the progress of Sistemic’s programs” and will bring together several individuals, including mathematician Cedric Villani.

The first Sistemic forum in May 2023 in Paris attracted 1,200 people. The next ones will take place on May 22 at MuCEM in Marseille and in October at Station F in Paris.

Source: Le Parisien

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