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Macron-Le Pen debate: “They are trying to steal the election,” condemns Raphael Glucksmann

The presidential majority is trying to “steal the election” by going “deadly head-to-head” with the far right, the head of the PS-Place public list Raphaël Glucksmann denounced on Saturday, while Emmanuel Macron revived in Le Parisian this idea of ​​a debate against Marine Le Pen ahead of the European elections.

“Staging this constant face-to-face meeting with the far right, they have been doing this for seven years and are again trying to steal the elections,” Raphael Glucksmann said on the sidelines of Saturday’s meeting in Brest.

“The French are not fools”

“Organization of the debate between Gabriel Attal and Jordan Bardella (Thursday evening on France 2) was a democratic failure. (…) The French will not be deceived, they no longer want this one-on-one confrontation, fatal for French democracy,” the candidate assured, believing that the country is led by “people who are in the process of playing with matches at a gas station.”

“In order to disrupt the list, which is now in third position, they are ready to constantly raise the far right, to stage the fact that Ms. Le Pen will be the only opposition to the current government,” he continued.

Raphael Glucksmann’s PS-Place Publique list ranks third in the polls, almost equal to the position of the presidential majority led by Valerie Heyer, but significantly behind the position of the National Rally led by Jordan Bardella.

“In this country they are waiting for something other (…) than this empty match of communicators”

“The French political scene cannot be reduced to a clash between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, a replayed match that is repeated in every election between the right and the far right,” condemned Raphaël Glucksmann before an audience of about 900 people. according to the organizers.

“There is an expectation in this country of something other (…) than this empty match of communicators that we witnessed live on public service, an expectation of something other than this series of prepared punchlines,” he said. denouncing, criticizing “political strategists who carry out coups and dance around their own emptiness.”

Faced with “a wave of the far right sweeping across our continent,” the candidate felt it was necessary to elect “women and men of strong character, people who do not bend before the storm.”

Condemning the “compromises” of his opponents, he pointed to the rise to power of the “xenophobes and Putinophiles” of the far right in the Netherlands “thanks to the allies of Emmanuel Macron,” referring to the government agreement between the Dutch liberals and the far-right party PVV.

“No, Macronism does not block the far right, it rolls out the red carpet for them! “, the mayor of Rennes, Nathalie Appere, spoke a little earlier, also calling for the abandonment of “a simplistic confrontation between uninhibited neoliberalism and shameless neo-fascism. »

Source: Le Parisien

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