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End of Life Bill: Renaissance Uses Podcasts to ‘Get Out Political’

Beware of the minefield! As of this Monday, May 27, the National Assembly is considering in session the End of Life Bill (PJL), which opens up the possibility of “assisted dying” under certain conditions. A very sensitive text that divides all political families. And the Renaissance is not free from these divisions… But this time there can be no question of silencing them or minimizing them.

So the leadership has decided to embrace this “pluralism of opinion” by taking the initiative in an unprecedented exercise for a political group: broadcasting this Monday a series of podcasts (on Spotify, Deezer and Apple) in which MPs discuss the topic and express their sensitivities.

“Some deputies are being released”

In total, five episodes of twenty to thirty minutes each will be posted online. Head of Production: Eliza Goldfarb, co-creator of the successful podcast “Coming Out” and Fraîches, a 100% female digital media outlet. The topic of the first is entitled “For or against? ” (PJL). The second focuses on degenerative diseases, the third on the issue of minors, the fourth on caregivers, and the fifth asks, “How do we die? “. A total of 22 Renaissance MPs took part in the game, including former Health Minister Olivier Veran, who speaks in the first episode, and three Renaissance speakers on this text.

“We have been wanting to do this exercise for a long time,” says the group leader. But due to electoral discipline, it is not always easy to publicly expose different approaches… Therefore, this particular text was suitable for this, for which an accelerated procedure was not initiated and the reading of which in parliament will take place over several months. . “Some deputies are being released,” admits the group’s leadership.

Val-d’Oise deputy Cécile Rilhac, known for her support of euthanasia, intervenes, for example, in this series, in a version that goes further than the text that reached Parliament. On the contrary, Yvelines MP Charles Rodwell has also spoken out, clearly opposing the very idea of ​​legislation on such an issue. “This is a good way to expose the text, it allows us to get out of a political position,” we at Renaissance want to believe. “If this works, there will be others on other texts. »

Source: Le Parisien

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