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Legislature: Jordan Bardella confirms he won’t ‘modify’ Paris Olympic system if he becomes prime minister

Jordan Bardella is expected to enter Matignon if the PH wins the legislative elections. published on x.

“Full Confidence”

“I have full confidence in the government services to organize the 2024 Olympic Games. If I win the legislative elections, I will not change the current system for several months. This event should be a great success for the nation,” he said.

“You must recognize (finally) the efficiency of the government and the Ministry of the Interior,” responded Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin on the same social network. “For the safety of the French, it is better for you not to worry about anything. Your inexperience and your radicalism will only endanger the French and the police,” he said.

On Thursday, on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Bari, Italy, Emmanuel Macron calculated that the French “don’t want the Olympics to look bad.” They will be “tied to ensuring continuity” with the officials “who prepared these Games” and not “with people who are not ready at all,” he insisted, indirectly targeting Jordan Bardella.

Source: Le Parisien

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