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Legislative elections in Seine-et-Marne: 73 candidates will compete for 11 seats in the National Assembly

The race for seats in the National Assembly has never lived up to its name so well. After the unexpected announcement by the President of the Republic of the dissolution of the lower house of parliament, a short period – from Wednesday to Sunday inclusive – allowed candidates to make themselves known in the prefecture. A week after the president’s announcement, the 73 candidates competing in the department’s 11 constituencies will be able to begin their campaigns, with the first round taking place on Sunday, June 30, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in approximately 1,100 polling stations. Seine and Marne. The countdown has begun.

1st constituency (Melen)

  1. Jean-Louis GUERIER (Labor struggle)
  2. Hicham AITI
  3. Arnaud SAINT-MARTIN (New Popular Front – Inanimate France)
  4. Henri Komivi JOLEGBEU (National Republican Rally)
  5. Brigitte LAPEYRONI (Reconquista)
  6. Aude LUKE (Renaissance-Modem), outgoing MP
  7. Victoria MEYMOUNI
  8. Theo MICHEL (Republicans/National Rally)

2nd congressional district (Fontainebleau)

  1. Stephanie FAURY (Workers’ Party)
  2. Valerian LAPKOV
  3. Ivanka DIMITROVA (National Rally)
  4. Elodie BROCH (Labor Struggle)
  5. Sophie BALASTRE (DLF)
  6. Loïc ROUSSEL (EU)
  7. Frederic VALLETO (Renaissance-Horizons)
  8. Nour BENAISSA WATBOT (New Popular Front – La France insoumise)
  9. Guillaume CASAURAN (Reconquista)

3rd Congressional District (Montreaux)

  1. DAVY BRUN (National Rally)
  2. Laura VALLE-HANS (New Popular Front – La France insoumise)
  3. Catherine VAN CAUTEREN (Labor struggle)
  4. Jean-Louis THIERIO (Republicans), outgoing MP

4th congressional district (Provins)

  1. Jean-Yves GAUDE (Workers’ struggle)
  2. Nicolas FAUVE (Reconquista)
  3. Mathieu GARNIER (New Popular Front – Inanimate France)
  4. Isabelle PERIGO (Republicans), outgoing MP
  5. Julien LIMONGI (National Rally)

5th constituency (Coulomiers)

  1. Michel DURAND
  3. Philip FONTANA (LR dissident)
  4. Pascal CANO (Workers’ struggle)
  5. Frank RISTER (Renaissance)
  6. Laurie KENBERGS (New Popular Front – Inanimate France)

6th Congressional District (Mo)

  1. Regis SARAZEN (different right/left)
  2. Annie RIEPE (Workers’ struggle)
  3. Amal BENTUNSI (New Popular Front – La France insoumise)
  4. Beatriz RULLO (National Rally), outgoing MP

7th constituency (Villeparisis)

  1. Yannick CARLINO (Reconquista)
  2. Rodrigue COCUENDO (Renaissance)
  3. Gabriel FRIA (Labor Struggle)
  4. Ersilia SUDA (New Popular Front – La France insoumise), outgoing MP
  5. Maria LURO
  6. Matilda YUEN (DLF)
  7. Christian ROBAS (Renaissance-Horizons)
  8. Agnès LAFFITE (National Rally)
  9. Naima MOGIR (ECO)

8th constituency (Bussy-Saint-Georges)

  1. Arnaud BONNET (New Popular Front – Ecology of Europe – Greens)
  2. Adrien GOMI (Renaissance), outgoing MP
  3. Frédéric RENAUD (Workers’ Struggle)
  4. Henriette SAUVAGE
  5. Bernard DUCHAUSOIS (Environmentalists)
  6. Manon MURGERE (National Assembly)
  7. Jean-Marc MOSCOVICH (Reconquista)

9th constituency (Ponto-Combault)

  1. Marie-Pierre CHEVALIER (Animal Party)
  2. Kamal VALSIN (plural France)
  3. Celine THIBAUD-MARTINEZ (New Popular Front – Socialist Party)
  4. Morganne VANAKER (National Assembly)
  5. Florence WOODS (Workers’ Struggle)
  6. Frank DENION (Republicans)
  7. Michel PEYRON (Renaissance), outgoing MP
  8. Bruno-Charles DELALANDRE (Reconquista)

10th constituency (Chelles)

  1. Maxime LENI (New Popular Front – La France insoumise), outgoing MP
  2. Michelle COLAS (Republicans)
  3. Joël SANGARE (Union of Democrats and Independents)
  4. Sylvain Caillard (Labor struggle)
  5. Priscillia BRAH (National Rally)
  6. Stephanie DO (Renaissance)
  7. Philippe DERVAULT

11th congressional district (Senar)

  1. Thomas IANZ (Alliance of Democrats and Independents)
  2. Dominic MAE
  3. Flora CRANTOR
  4. Vincent PAUL-PETI (Dissident LR)
  5. Olivier FOR (New Popular Front – Socialist Party), outgoing MP
  6. Anne DE LA TORRE (Workers’ Struggle)

Source: Le Parisien

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