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Legislative elections in Ere-et-Loire: all candidates by constituency

The first round of early legislative elections will take place in two weeks, on Sunday, June 30. The election, which surprised everyone, was announced eight days ago by Emmanuel Macron after the dark blue wave of the European elections. In Ere-et-Loire, of the department’s 365 municipalities, only four did not have the National Rally take first place.

1st constituency: minister running

There are six candidates nominated for the Chartres district. The presidential majority logically preferred to be represented by Guillaume Kasbarian (Renaissance). The outgoing MP is also housing minister after a reshuffle earlier in the year and will have a lot to lose politically the day after July 7 if he does not come out on top in the vote.

Isabelle Menard (Horizons) was chosen to support her candidacy, replacing Veronica de Montchalin. Member of the Chartres municipal council and president of C’Chartres Tourisme, her successor is close to the mayor of Chartres. In this decision we see a sign of support for the presidential majority on the part of Chartres Council member Jean-Pierre Gorges.

Faced with it, the National Rally represents an unknown factor in the local political landscape. Emma Minot is a 23-year-old physiotherapy student who has already gained some experience within the party as a Youth Nurse Assistant. In this first district, the Republicans decided to renew their candidate for the 2022 legislative elections, Chartres municipal councilor Ladislas Vergne. On the left, the investiture of the New Popular Front is represented by the environmentalist Jean-François Bridet (EELV). Local figure, at the same time a member of the regional council of the Val-de-Loire Centre, close to the president of the region, and councilor of the city and metropolis of Chartres in the opposition.

2nd district: parachute for launch vehicles.

In the north of the department, in the second electoral district, seven candidates were nominated. It’s no surprise that the Republican Party is renewing its confidence in outgoing MP Olivier Marlet. He was one of the first to be stifled by statements from his party’s president, Eric Ciotti, who announced he was joining forces with Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen. Thus, Olivier Marlet, leader of the LR in the National Assembly, is campaigning for re-election with Christelle Minard as his replacement. The latter has established himself well in the area: for ten years he was elected mayor of Tremblay-les-Villages.

The presidential majority was slow in deciding to nominate a candidate. Finally, Florent Mazi, Horizons insert, joins the campaign. He will be supported by Pauline Lardy, deputy chief of staff to Armed Forces Minister Sébastien Lecornu. Opposite them is Olivier Dubois (RN). He is not a well-known person in the north of the department. However, it was this director of a Parisian real estate company who jumped with a parachute. To help him there is a local deputy, departmental delegate of the National Assembly Silvio Bortolussi. For this 2nd arrondissement, there was ultimately no national decision to invest in LFI, although the cities of Dreux and Vernouillet voted for Manon Aubry during the European elections on June 9th. The New Popular Front is led by Nadia Faveris, a candidate in the 2017 legislative elections. And then, in the only constituency where the Workers’ Party is running in Eure-et-Loire, left-wing activist Beatrice Jafrenou was officially inaugurated. .

3rd constituency: Republican Front

The 3rd and 4th arrondissements of Eure et Loire have fewer candidates, with five in each arrondissement. As for the third front, Nogent-le-Rotrou/Lucay, it is a “republican front” that will be fought against the RN. The final nomination was made to the detriment of Anna Stepanova’s candidacy. Although she was announced last week as the successor to Luc Lamireau, the outgoing MP who is not standing for re-election, she had to withdraw from the election. Instead, a well-known elected official, the current mayor of Nogent-le-Rotrou Harold Huvaert (DVC Radical Party), is investing. His case was transferred to the prefecture an hour before the deadline, this Sunday. He is jointly supported by the presidential majority, as well as the New Popular Front coalition. “We are forming a republican front to prevent the passage of the PH,” explains the first secretary of the Socialist Party in Eure-et-Loire, Stéphane Cordier.

It must be said that this third constituency has the greatest chance of a far-right turn. The party has chosen the shock candidacy of a heavyweight from the National Rally. Christophe Bay, Marine Le Pen’s former campaign manager during the 2017 presidential election, is interested. And she is the one who received 46% of the votes in the second round of the 2022 RN legislative elections in the same district, Régine Flonnet, who is his deputy. Lev’s mayor, Remy Martial, has finally become the Republican candidate. And here is an investment that was not guaranteed in advance.

4th constituency: new candidate Philippe Vigier

Five files were submitted for the fourth constituency of Eure-et-Loire, the largest geographically. The outgoing MP for the Châteaudun constituency, Philippe Vigier (MODEM), was reappointed to this position as of 2007. He also has something to lose, Minister-Delegate for Foreign Affairs, six months ago the elected member of MDEM could return to civilian life. within three weeks. While nothing has been said, he has the support of the presidential majority and Republicans who are not running candidates.

Among the competitors, the most notable is Roger Pecu, a dissident of the Republic of Lithuania, who is supported by the National Rally. Officially, he has been given the political label “Friends of Eric Ciotti on the Right.” To oppose him, the union of the left chose a socialist. Member of the regional council Sylvain Boens, also a member of the mayor’s office of Aun-Bleury-Saint-Symphorian.

Once filings close, the campaign officially begins in the special legislative elections. Two other political parties will try to get enough votes to advance beyond the first round on June 30. Lutte Ouvrière leaves with the same candidates as in 2022 in four constituencies. For its part, Eric Zemmour’s party (Reconquista!) has identified four candidates, including two who were already on the electoral lists two years ago, in the 3rd and 4th electoral districts.

Source: Le Parisien

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