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‘Dozens of calls and text messages per hour’: Glucksmann claims to be a victim of persecution by the ‘Jewish far right’

Place Publique MEP Raphaël Glucksmann said on Friday on the set of France 5’s “C à vous” program that he had been targeted by the “Jewish far right” because he had allied himself with La France insoumise as part of an alliance of the left.

“My phone number is circulating in Jewish far-right telegrams, and since this morning I have been receiving dozens of calls and text messages per hour on this topic. be damned “he said, referring to comments made against him by a woman during a tow on Thursday in Marseille. “As a Jew, you should be ashamed,” the woman told him, before adding: “Damn you.”

“Stop reducing my words to a Jewish name. I am French, I act, I think, I make decisions as a citizen of France, I grew up in the cult of this republic, which recognizes only French citizens, and I am deeply outraged by this constant reduction to this or that – thundered Raphael Glucksmann.

“Unbearable” anti-Semitic remarks

Asked about the sense of betrayal expressed by some of his voters in the June 9 European elections when he led the Socialist list, Raphael Glucksmann admitted that members of La France insoumise (LFI) had made “unbearable” anti-Semitic remarks at the polls. respect.

Find candidates in your district and find out the results of the first round of legislative elections in June 30 at 20:00 Paris, Lyon, Marseilles and throughout France.

He confirmed that LFI leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who has been accused of being ambiguous on anti-Semitism, will not become prime minister if the left wins these elections.

He estimates that there has been an “excessive emphasis” on ten or fifteen LFI parliamentary candidates who “are deeply disgusting and whom I do not support and whom we will not support.”

The issue of anti-Semitism was at the center of a legislative campaign following the anti-Semitic rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl in Courbevoie (west of Paris).

For recalling left-wing candidates if they find themselves in a bad position in the event of a triangular

During the broadcast, the left-wing MEP also called on candidates from the left-wing New Popular Front alliance to withdraw from the second round of legislative elections if they come third, in the event of a three-way vote, to defeat the National Rally (RN).

“Even if there are triangles, I would not hesitate to withdraw if ever the New Popular Front candidates end up third and fail to defeat the National Rally,” he said. “Because my only goal is to ensure that at the end of the second round, which will take place on July 7, there are no 300 deputies left from the RN. The absolute majority in the National Assembly is 289 seats.

Source: Le Parisien

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