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Legislature: Jordan Bardella explains the RN program, what to remember from his press conference

“When the image is blurry, it means it’s a wolf,” Martine told Aubrey. Accused of changing course in several areas, the president of the National Rally and leader of the RN or pro-Ciotti candidates in the June 30 and July 7 legislative elections, Jordan Bardella, held a press conference to clarify his program and ask questions. voters once again, as he had done in Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui en France a week earlier, to give his party an absolute majority in the Assembly.

Find candidates in your district and find out the results of the first round of legislative elections in June 30 at 20:00 Paris, Lyon, Marseilles and throughout France.

There can no longer be any question of promising the unattainable six days before the first round: on many issues, the RN president says he wants to cope with the emergency while respecting the framework, especially the legal one, imposed on France. From Salons Hoche, an event venue located in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, Jordan Bardella, after a short political speech quoting General de Gaulle: “The Supreme Court is the people,” rolled out a two-and-a-half course menu. years, which he hopes to spend almost 40 minutes in Matignon before answering questions from journalists. “I am the candidate of truth, the one who will not promise what he cannot keep,” he said.

The head of the campaign outlined a “first phase” – “emergency management” – with a revival of purchasing power, as well as the restoration of security and immigration. “We will act from the first weeks,” “demagoguery and good intentions have never made a realistic policy,” he warned, confirming above all that he wants to reduce VAT on energy, fuel, fuel oil, gas and electricity. He was not talking about a 5.5% rate, but about bringing it in line with the rate of France’s neighbors. The post-election measure will cost, he estimates, “seven billion” euros by the end of the year. He also announced the restoration of the “French price” for electricity, in derogation from European rules. He also confirmed the intention to exempt from income tax as part of the combination of work and retirement for doctors who return to work “from this summer”.

Retire at 62 with 42 annuities, excluding long career.

Then, speaking of restoring republican order “everywhere and for all French people,” Jordan Bardella announced the establishment of “minimum sentences and minimum sentences to stop recidivism,” the abolition of family benefits for parents of offenders. Secondly, the government will vote to end the acquittal of minorities and closed centers for minors will be created.

Then, turning to “reforms that are designed to fix France in the long term,” Jordan Bardella prioritized “the necessary legislation against Islamist ideologies.” The soil law, which requires that a child born in France to foreign parents can become French not automatically at birth but at 13, 16 or 18, is “no longer justified,” he repeated, and will be repealed to allow better “control.” on immigration” – an issue on which he has not announced any other specific measures. A little later in the chapter, he announced that “certain positions in strategic sectors related to security or defense will be reserved for French citizens” and “contractual” dual citizens will be excluded. The exception applies only to “a few positions” and is “symbolic,” he admitted after being questioned by an Israeli journalist. “We do not intend to question binationality,” he told him.

Regarding pensions expected during the 2022 presidential campaign, the party president explained that his priority is a “long career.” Starting in the fall, he said, those who started working before the age of 20 and for 40 years will be able to retire. “France, which gets up early, has the right to a healthy pension,” he justified. For others, the legal age will again be set at 62, provided they have worked for 42 years.

He also announced two measures that were already on Marine Le Pen’s platform for the 2022 presidential election, namely the provision of a “full tax share for the second child” and the abolition of inheritance tax for low-income families.

“Modular” college, at the beginning of the academic year, mobile phones are prohibited in all institutions

To “increase the activity levels of young people by pushing them into earlier and faster employment”, a “modular college” will be created instead of a single college, and “the results of the patent will be taken into account to guide training”. . As part of the “big power explosion” he wants, “mobile phones will be banned from educational institutions, including high schools, from the start of the school year.” “We cannot minimize its impact on concentration difficulties and mimetic effects,” he criticized. Likewise, all teachers will have to take an oath and the uniform experiment will continue. “Personally, I am in favor of introducing it in primary schools, but also in secondary schools,” he added.

Disciplinary boards will impose “minimum sanctions.” “We will restore the principle of the 2010 Ciotti law, repealed by Francois Hollande, to cancel benefits and scholarships in the event of serious and repeated failures” on the part of students. “Specialized centers” will be reserved for “disruptive or harassing students.”

In an effort to promote business growth at a time when “labor productivity has been declining since 2019, which is unprecedented in the history of our country,” the government led by Bardella will launch “a General Simplification Estate in the fall” and “before its completion.” “, will set “a pause in the excessive transposition of European standards.” The RN wants to achieve the goal of “taxing growth” started by Bruno Le Maire, in particular by making “taxes on production equivalent to those of our European partners.” The creation of a sovereign fund would allow the French to “invest directly in the French economy.”

He confirmed that he wants to soften the restrictions of the ZAN law, zero net artificiality and the ban on renting or selling homes with poor energy performance (DPE) ratings. “Parliament will work on this, local elected officials will work on it, we may consider meeting with the president of the Association of Mayors of France and regional leaders.” “These two provisions will partly rationalize the real estate market.”

Reducing “taxes on production” will continue to promote economic growth.

The RN president also wants to allow companies to “raise wages without affecting labor costs and competitiveness” by giving them a fee waiver to voluntarily increase wages by 10% to three times the minimum wage (i.e. 4196 euros net per month).

Addressing civil servants, while the RN has historically criticized “technocracy”, especially the European one, far removed from the realities on the ground, Jordan Bardella stated his desire to abolish regional health agencies, entrust health management to departmental prefects and restore a “high civil service “, without specifying how he would do this.

Jordan Bardella, answering questions from reporters, said that Overseas will be managed by the government ministry. Arguing for the unfreezing of the electorate in New Caledonia, which the RN voted for in the chamber, strongly criticizing the reform, he affirmed that “the restoration of order and security on the ground is of fundamental importance. We will be led into dialogue with various parties as soon as we come to power.”

Source: Le Parisien

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