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Legislative branch: 200 people are in favor of agreeing to leave the RN

Desire for clarity. Some 200 socialist, environmentalist and Macronist figures are calling on the right, center and left this Tuesday to “make clear” that they will conclude a withdrawal agreement between the two rounds of legislative elections against the National Rally.

This agreement “must be clearly displayed now, without waiting for June 30 (date of 1st round), the leaders of all democratic forces, regardless of whether they belong to the New Popular Front, the outgoing majority or the Republican right,” counted the signatories in Le Monde, including Olivier Faure, head of the Socialist Party, Marine Tondelier, head of environmentalism, and also Clément Beaune and Agnès Pannier-Runacher, former and current ministers of Emmanuel Macron.

There are no LFI individuals among the signatories.

“We understand how difficult this choice is, given the importance of the differences” between the camps, continue the signatories, among whom we find former CFDT leader Laurent Berger, but not a single person from La France insoumise. “The restyling carried out in recent years by the National Rally (RN) should not deceive anyone: the extreme right remains what it has always been, a decisive enemy of democracy and a promoter of hatred,” they assure, warning “against this.” a dangerous illusion” that, once in power, the far right “will demonstrate their inability to govern the country.”

Find candidates in your district and find out the results of the first round of legislative elections in June 30 at 20:00 Paris, Lyon, Marseilles and throughout France.

“As many examples have shown in the past, as well as today in Hungary with Viktor Orbán or in Russia with Vladimir Putin, the far right succeeds in changing the rules of the game, eliminating opposing forces and anesthetizing public debate,” the signatories explain. “We know when she will come to power, but we never know when and how she will leave it,” they warn.

In the near future, the Macronist camp and the Republicans (LR) refused to give a general order to withdraw their candidates if the latter were the least successful of the three, including the RN candidate, in the second round on July 7. On the left, only Marine Tondelier said that environmental candidates would withdraw their candidacy if they finished third.

Source: Le Parisien

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