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Legislative: after the meeting with Macron, the presidential camp is towards “neither RN, nor LFI” in the second round

What voting instructions should be given in the case of RN-LFI or triangular duel? This issue is causing a serious headache for the presidential camp, whose members have so far been lost in subterfuge, elements of language or disagreements when it was presented to them. This will be decided soon. According to our information, this very important and sensitive issue was at the center of a new summit that took place on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Emmanuel Macron, via video for an hour and focused on campaign strategy for the home stretch of these expected legislative elections organs.

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According to the participant, the Head of State, in fact, opened the discussion with this pressing issue of the republican barrier. Around the microphones and behind the screens, in addition to the president: Prime Minister Gabriel Attal; leaders of the Renaissance, Modem, Horizons, UDI parties Stéphane Sejournet, François Bayrou, Edouard Philippe, Hervé Marcel and radical Laurent Henard; government heavyweights Gérald Darmanin, Bruno Le Maire, Rachida Dati and even Yael Braun-Pivet. A rare occurrence during this period of Macroni’s naked daggers, a consensus emerged between them!

Don’t tear yourself apart on Sunday

First, agree that on this issue, as one participant said, there needs to be “a very strong and very clear line in the second round.” In short, a doctrine so as not to flounder and tear each other apart on Sunday, as was the case in 2022. Then, from the same source, “a general statement came out that it is necessary to abandon extremes, RN and LFI,” “let’s see what can be done when there is a risk of the victory of extremes.”

In short, a call to barrage in case of a duel or withdrawal in case of a triangular one. The president did not make a decision at the end of this conversation, but “this idea was generally shared at the table,” the eyewitness assures.

Source: Le Parisien

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