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The new director Mathias Vicherat wants “appeasement” and “more collegiality”

The new director Mathias Vicherat wants “appeasement” and “more collegiality”

The new director Mathias Vicherat wants “appeasement” and “more collegiality”

“The general need and the watchword is appeasement. “Appointed in November, the new director of Sciences Po Paris, Mathias Vicherat, presented his roadmap this Friday at a press conference. “The different communities have expressed the fact of a need for appeasement, and a need for collective”, he added, stressing “to really wish to develop collegiality” with teachers and students, for “them. associate more ”.

He announced that he would also launch in February “a major consultation of all employees and teachers” on “working conditions but also on the future of Sciences Po”. “I feel that everyone wants to find a new breath,” he said, recalling that “the year 2021 has been extremely difficult, both in terms of health and institutionally. “

The fight against sexual violence, an “absolute priority”

Last year, Sciences Po was shaken by accusations of incest, dismissed because of prescription, brought against Olivier Duhamel, president of the National Foundation of Political Sciences (FNSP). This case caused the resignations of the respondent in January and then of the director of Sciences Po Frédéric Mion, one of his relatives, in February. After several months of crisis, Mathias Vicherat, former student of IEP Paris then of ENA in the same promotion as Emmanuel Macron, had been appointed director.

Regarding gender-based and sexual violence – on which the interim management of Sciences Po announced at the end of August a plan to fight based on a listening and monitoring system – the new director stressed that it was a “priority absolute “, on which he wished” to go further “, promising to be” on these subjects of absolute severity “. “We hired at the beginning of the year, in January, a president of the investigation unit, which will help characterize the facts” to “speed up the procedures”, he added.

For him, “we need a robust, concrete system to ensure that the reports can be characterized, with a view to a decision by the head of the establishment”. Detailing his other priorities, Mathias Vicherat said he wanted to “combine the demands of openness and excellence” of the IEP, which welcomed 29% of scholarship holders in 2021 against 24% in 2020.


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