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Peruvian national team: Gustavo Alfaro’s reaction to the details of the ‘case’ of the lost shirt in Ecuador | VIDEO

Gustavo Alfaro was furious at the carelessness of the team’s staff at a key moment in Peru-Ecuador for the Qualifiers. The DT called Diego Palacios to replace Ayrton Preciado. However, the player was slow to enter the field of the National Stadium because he could not find his shirt.

A report published by Movistar Deportes showed everything that happened in the bench of substitutes of the ‘Tricolor’. An action that, in the long run, benefited the Blanquirroja, as Edison Flores’ goal came when the opponent only had ten men on the field. But what did the DT, the soccer player, the members of the technical command say?

Preciado fell on the grass due to a foul by Carlos Zambrano. Immediately, one of Alfaro’s assistants called ‘Chiqui’ Palacios. Then, the man who plays for Los Angeles FC ran to the bench, took off his warm-up vest and, with his back uncovered, asked where his jersey was.

Confusion settled on the Ecuadorian side, as the coach, the assistants and the defender searched for the jacket. “Quiet”, the DT tells Palacios and gives her new instructions. However, the minutes passed and the garment did not appear. For that, Preciado had left the field and the ‘Tri’ was with 10.

The referee ordered that the actions be resumed and in the face of it, Alfaro exploded: “The shirt, the con…”he expressed very angry. At that moment the shirt appeared and Palacios put it on, but it was too late. With the ball in play, Alex Valera fought for the ball, Luis Advíncula crossed the ball and Edison Flores headed it to make it 1-1.

unexpected detail

Due to this situation, the members of the high command of Ecuadorian football carried out the corresponding inquiries to find out what happened in the National Stadium. Then, the main one pointed out was the prop Richard Buitrón, in charge of distributing the jackets to each of the soccer players. The member of the ‘Tricolor’ delegation released him and commented on an unexpected detail on the matter.

Buitrón, as he does in every match of the national team, handed out the shirts to each of the players who sat on the bench. Thus, the athletes are responsible for their respective clothes, since it usually happens that the substitutes, when they warm up, prefer to wear a regulation vest so that, if they have to enter (like Palacios against Peru), they have the feeling of freshness for a garment they didn’t wear.

That said, the version that has emerged from Ecuador about the missing shirt of the Los Angeles FC man is that, during halftime in Lima, he exchanged with a soccer player from the Peruvian team. Hence, it is that Diego Palacios did not have an important part of the uniform at hand to replace Preciado.

Source: Elcomercio

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