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Argentinian soccer player living in Ukraine reacts to sudden concern about his situation | PHOTO

Just a few hours ago, Russia launched the military attack on Ukraine. Since then, international press reports present the first human and material losses in the affected country. Faced with such an event, all areas have been seriously hit and football is one of them.

Throughout Thursday, the testimony of a group of Brazilian players who belong to the ranks of Shakhtar Donestk and Dinamo Kiev was known. In a statement, the athletes revealed that they are staying in a hotel with their families and asked the government of their country for help to leave the European territory.

There are also soccer players of Argentine nationality, such as Fabricio Alvarenga. The man who is active in Ukraine’s Rukh Lviv expressed his annoyance at the number of messages he received as soon as the Russian military operation began. In this sense, the former Vélez Sarsfield shared a story through Instagram.

“When things are going well everyone sucks a ball, nobody cares. They pretend you don’t exist. But when something bad happens… Now everyone wants to text you, call you, make notes. Don’t break the eggsAlvarenga expressed in a message addressed to the journalists who tried to establish communication with him.

different landscape

Last week, Alvarenga agreed to dialogue with the newspaper La Nación. In that conversation, the Argentine depicted a completely different situation from the one experienced in the last few hours in Ukraine.

“People talk, but where I am living it is quiet. People have no fear. Nothing happens. There is no no military deployment in the streets. The truth is that my family and I are not worried. We feel calm”he maintained on that occasion.

UEFA meeting

UEFA strongly condemned the Russian military invasion in Ukraine and assured that it is “treating the situation with the utmost seriousness and urgency”and that it will make decisions that it will announce this Friday about the venue for the Champions League final, which is scheduled for May 28 in Saint Petersburg.

In a statement, the agency stated that “shares the serious concern of the international community about the security situation developing in Europe and strongly condemns the current Russian military invasion in Ukraine”.

“As the governing body of European football, UEFA works tirelessly to develop and promote football in accordance with the common values ​​of Europe, such as peace and respect for human rights, all present in the spirit of the Olympic Charter. We remain in solidarity with the Ukrainian football community and are ready to reach out to the people of Ukraine.”he added.

After convening this Thursday an extraordinary meeting of its Executive Committee for this Friday, UEFA insisted that it is “treating this situation with the utmost seriousness and urgency”and that its Executive “will make decisions in this regard and announce them tomorrow”.

Source: Elcomercio

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