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“No more violence”: Edson Álvarez showed a strong message on his shirt after tragedy

Lima, March 6, 2022Updated on 03/06/2022 02:54 pm

The signs of rejection of the acts of violence seen last Saturday at the La Corregidora Stadium, which received Querétaro vs. Atlas, continue. From the Netherlands, the Mexican from Ajax, Edson Álvarez, left a strong message, after the match against RKC Waalwijk.

The midfielder took off his team shirt and wore the legend “No more violence” in a polo shirt he wore underneath. That yes, that was not the first demonstration against the brutal confrontation that was seen in the court of the ‘White Roosters’ and that has left dozens of wounded. some seriously.

“This is NOT football. Helplessness, sadness, shame and fear among other things when seeing all this. Lost Mexican soccer ”, he wrote on Instagram Stories, obviously struck by the unfortunate scenes.

“And now because it happened in a football game… but this is something that all people have to live with every day. Fear, insecurity and violence. And I know that the world and the country are experiencing worse situations than a “simple” soccer match. But it is nothing more than the reflection of what we are as a societyAlvarez added.

Pitch battle in La Corregidora

At least 22 people were injured this Saturday in an outbreak of violence during the match played by the ‘Gallos Blancos’ of Querétaro and the ‘Zorros’ of Atlas, on the ninth day of the Clausura-2022 tournament of Mexican soccer in the city of Querétaro (center).

“Derived from the events recorded this Saturday afternoon (…) there are no reports of deceased persons, 22 people injured (…), two of them seriously”, Said Civil Protection of the state of Querétaro hours after the game was suspended due to violence in the La Corregidora stadium.

Source: Elcomercio

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