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To the rhythm of “El Cervecero”: fans accompany the national team with Peruvian cumbia | VIDEO

Lima, March 22, 2022Updated on 03/22/2022 11:14 pm

Christian Cueva has sung it and even Gianluca Lapadula has danced it. The cumbia “El Cervecero” has accompanied the team in several moments of happiness and has been present this Tuesday outside the concentration hotel in Montevideo, two days before the clash against Uruguay for the Qatar 2022 Qualifiers.

Dozens of followers of the ‘Blanquirroja’ gave a warm welcome to the Peruvian delegation, who arrived at the place where they will stay with all the hope of getting a good result that will increase their chances of qualifying for the Qatar World Cup.

Minutes after the members of the Peruvian team settled in the hotel, the fans set up the party outside the place and began to sing the popular theme mentioned. Cell phones in hand, all of them thus expressed their joy, which we hope will continue with the end of the clash this Thursday, March 24, at the Centenario Stadium.

Peru vs. Uruguay: Peruvians in chapel

Let’s start from back to front. In the first place, Pedro Gallese, one of the figures and the current captain of the ‘Blanquirroja’, is one yellow card away from being left out of the duel against Paraguay. In defense, central defenders Carlos Zambrano and Alexander Callens are also in the chapel. On the right side, Luis Advíncula is in the same situation.

In the first line of midfielders, Yoshimar Yotún and Renato Tapia, regular starters in the middle of the field, also one reprimand away from being suspended for a match. Christofer Gonzáles and Wilder Cartagena, in the same way, are conditioned and will have to be cautious when facing the Uruguayans to have the fewest casualties for the match with Paraguay.

It is necessary to mention that, as long as Chile does not beat Brazil, Peru needs three points out of the six at stake to secure at least the fifth place that would allow them to play the playoffs. As Ricardo Gareca already said, the Peruvian team depends on itself.

Source: Elcomercio

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