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Ricardo Gareca: “We have to recover, there is the opportunity to achieve the playoff”

The Peruvian team failed to score against Uruguay in Montevideo and suffered a tough 1-0 defeat, by date 17 of the Qatar 2022 Qualifiers. The result generated more regret due to the final controversy, with a possible goal not scored for the ‘ Blanquirroja’, although now the team must forget what happened and think about the game against Paraguay.

After the match, Ricardo Gareca gave a press conference, where he was hurt by the setback, but rescued the dedication of his players. “The team worked the game well. Uruguay came from scoring, with great players, very well emotionally ”, started the Argentine coach.

“The Centenario is always a difficult stage to play in and one of their most important weapons is set pieces. We were able to control it for much of the game, but in an oversight they scored the goal and then it was difficult for us to return to turn it around “he added.

We always intended to win the game and take risks, but we faced a team that has all the merits to be in the World Cup”, stated Ricardo Gareca, highlighting the qualification of the Uruguayan team to Qatar 2022.

“We tried to play within what they allowed us. We had goal situations to get ahead on the scoreboard. Unfortunately, we couldn’t do it, although I’m calm because they gave everything “asserted the ‘Tiger’.

Finally, Ricardo Gareca stated that the Peruvian national team now focuses on the upcoming match against Paraguay: “What remains for us is to mentalize ourselves and focus for the next game that is decisive. I am satisfied with the attitude of the boys, not with the result. They gave a lot on the field of play”.

We had expectations of qualifying directly, it will no longer be possible, and we have to recover. There is always the possibility of achieving another opportunity such as the playoffs. We have to leave this game behind as quickly as possible, the first 24 hours are difficult to digest, but then we have shown that we are a team that reacts in these types of moments”, sentenced the coach.

When do Peru vs. Paraguay?

The match Peru vs. Paraguay will be played next Tuesday, March 29 at the National Stadium in Lima, starting at 6:30 pm (Peruvian time). The ‘Blanquirroja’ needs a win to secure the playoffs or just hope that neither Colombia nor Chile add up, against Venezuela and Uruguay respectively.

Source: Elcomercio

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