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Universitario debuted with victory in the Women’s League: the ‘Leonas’ thrashed UTC 6-0

The 2022 Women’s League kicked off this Saturday and the first game of the day had Universitario as the protagonist. Ate’s club, which was runner-up last season, received UTC at the Monumental Stadium, a rival they had no problem overcoming: the ‘Leonas’ celebrated a resounding 6-0.

The meeting generated great expectations and, unlike the previous year, this time there were fans present in the stands, which provided a special atmosphere. Paolo Maldonado, coach of the ‘U’ women’s squad, did not want to speculate and sent an offensive eleven, including Cindy Novoa, who returned from Alianza Lima.

The starting lineup for Universitario was as follows: Karla López; Fabiola Herrera, Kimbherly Flores, Stephannie Vasquez, Aranxa Vega; Cindy Novoa, Scarlet Flores, Gabriela Cavero, Milena Tomayconsa, Geraldine Cisneros and Sabrina Ramírez.

The UTC squad tried to be smart in the opening minutes, but the defensive mess took a heavy toll. Only at 5 ‘, after a few rebounds, Milena Tomayconsa was responsible for making it 1-0 for the ‘Leonas’, with a powerful left-footed shot, which overcame the resistance of the goalkeeper from Cajamarca.

And at 32′, Tomayconsa scored his second personal goal and the game went to rest with a partial 2-0 in favor of the ‘U’. In the complementary part, the doubles of Xioczana Canales (58′ and 88′) and Nahomi Martínez (63′ and 79′), both recently admitted, were in charge of sealing the final 6-0, which means an auspicious start for the club. in the championship.

On the next date, the women’s team from Universitario will have to visit Ayacucho FC, with the aim of continuing on the path to victory. After that, on the third day, the ‘Leonas’ will be local in the classic against Alianza Lima, recalling the final of the 2021 season.

Source: Elcomercio

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