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Farfán and Guerrero, more than 100 days without playing: What will happen to the leaders and symbols of the generation of 84?

Sometimes one looks at them more with nostalgia than with expectation, but then we remember what they are, what they mean and, despite the fact that they have not played a minute together in the Qualifiers, we know that they can still give the last of their football to the peruvian national team. Jefferson Farfan and Paolo Guerrerothe national pillars, strive to be able to accompany the Bicolor in the World Cup dream.

Yesterday it was made public that Jeffry underwent a new surgical intervention in the left knee (cartilage cleaning). Although it is not clear how long he will be inactive – it is estimated a couple of months – this leaves him out of the Alianza matches in the Copa Libertadores and Liga 1, in addition to the Bicolor playoff next June.

The last three years of Farfan They have been a via crucis. If it took him thirteen months to reappear after his injury between August 2019 and July 2020 – he had the bad luck that the pandemic delayed his return – today he has been without activity for 128 days since his last game, the final with Alianza.

The subject is closely followed by both the technical command of the selection and the intimate table. The blue and white coach himself, Carlos Bustos, recounted the incident but did not want to delve further into the subject due to its privacy. “He has had a cleanse and is on the mend. I understand that tomorrow [hoy] It has a review and will soon be working with us”declared at a press conference, and specified that today it will be evaluated and the time it could be for will be taken in greater detail.

Estimated recovery time is 6-8 weeks; however, from the player’s environment they trust it to be less. The contribution of Jefferson Farfan he has been important in Alianza, with goals for the victory over Municipal, Vallejo and Binacional in last year’s tournament, in which they were crowned; while with the national team he showed his worth in every minute he was there. He started well in each game and against Argentina he generated a late penalty, which Yotún unfortunately later missed.

Jefferson and Paul They are the last representatives of the generation of 84. Alberto Rodriguez He didn’t come back after the World Cup John Vargas he is already away from football and ‘Cachito’ Ramirez He currently plays for Boys.

captain fight

In case of Paolo Guerrero yes, it is still a mystery, beyond the words that he himself usually gives when he leaves Videna, where he goes to train. What is known about the attacker is that he has been traveling to the United States (Dallas) to deepen his therapy for his right knee injury (ligaments).

“I’m doing work in the field, but little by little”, commented a month ago to América TV. His call was expected to close the Qualifiers, but he did not have a medical discharge. He was expected to arrive at Alianza, but the offer is still there on the table. Paolo hasn’t returned yet, although the day may come soon.

The attacker has not played for seven months since that game with Chile in the Nacional in which he was exchanged, precisely, for Jefferson Farfan. That night his knee said enough and he had to stop again. He later broke his contract with Inter to dedicate himself fully to his recovery.

Today, his environment is very optimistic. “If arrives. We must have faith”said his mother, Doña Peta, when asked if the scorer will be eligible for the playoff in June.

The generation of ’84 is over. Paul and Jefferson today they are the historical scorers of the Peruvian national team, but in the Qualifiers they barely participated. Paolo was present in five games and only started in three, Jefferson in seven, and only one was in the starting eleven.

But they know that they can still give a lot to the national team, to football, and they work for it.

Source: Elcomercio

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