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Mino Raiola: Real Madrid regrets his false death and minutes later deletes his post on Twitter

A mistake of massive magnitude. The news of the supposed death of Mino Raiola – assured by several Italian media – traveled through different parts of Europe and the world. Real Madrid, after confirming the death of the soccer player’s agent, decided to issue a message giving its condolences for what happened with the 54-year-old Dutchman.

“Real Madrid CF, its president and its Board of Directors deeply regret the death of Mino Raiola and want to express their condolences, their affection and their affection to all his family and all his loved ones.”, published the white team on their Twitter account.

However, minutes later, after the information that continued to come out in which the unfortunate fact was denied, Real Madrid decided to delete the published tweet.

The death of Mino Raiola was denied

Italian media reported the news of the Dutchman’s alleged death and it was the same soccer agent who came out to report on his state of health in a controversial post on Twitter.

“Current health status for those who care: angry. I have been killed twice in four months. They also seem capable of resuscitation.” Raiola said on his official Twitter account

Earlier, from Italy they had reported that Pogba’s agent, Haaland or Ibrahimovich had died; However, José Fortes Rodríguez, the agent’s right-hand man, denied the news: “I just got a message from the right source that Mino Raiola hasn’t died. There is concern for his health, but the announcement in various media that he has died is incorrect”.

And later, Alberto Zangrillo, head of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, spoke. “He’s fighting, but he’s still alive. We are outraged by those who are speculating with his life”.

Source: Elcomercio

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