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Robert Rojas sent a message of thanks to River Plate fans on social networks | VIDEO

The fans of River Plate and soccer expressed themselves through social networks due to the severe injury suffered by Robert Rojas. During the match against Alianza Lima, in the Copa Libertadores debut for both teams, the Paraguayan left the field of the National Stadium with a fractured tibia and fibula.

Three weeks have already passed and the ‘Sicario’ shows a better countenance. In fact, the defender passed through the facilities of the Argentine institution on Monday to meet Marcelo Gallardo, the technical command and his teammates. Likewise, the Guarani took the opportunity to respond to so many displays of affection.

“Hello to all River fans. I wanted to thank you for all the support and love you gave me in this difficult time. This is the first time something like this has happened to me in my career. I am very happy and content for all the support I received from you. I am slowly coming back. Soon we will see each other again on the courts. Thank you very much to all the fans”said a smiling and animated Rojas.

How is Robert Rojas’s recovery going?

The Paraguayan’s injury, due to a strong foul by Aldair Rodríguez, was on April 6. Only on the 9th of the same month, the footballer underwent surgery. Although the operation was successful, there was a complication after leaving the room. The center-back suffered chest pain as a result of a coronary spasm. In this sense, the athlete was monitored by doctors and was discharged three days later.

23 days have passed since the surgical intervention and, according to the newspaper Olé, Robert is progressing favorably. The soccer player, since he has the green light, works with River’s kinesiologist. Until here, the defender can step with the right leg, but taking due precautions. Thus, the Paraguayan will seek to strengthen the muscle.

Rojas’ work will be long and requires a lot of patience to return to the fields in optimal conditions. The player of the Guarani team is ruled out for the remainder of the season and it is estimated that within four months he should enter into activity.

Source: Elcomercio

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