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Jean Ferrari on what happened at VIDU: “This is reprehensible”

Jean Ferrari on what happened at VIDU: “This is reprehensible”

Jean Ferrari on what happened at VIDU: “This is reprehensible”

The minor classic between Universitario vs. Alianza Lima ended with a father of a family defending himself with a weapon inside VIDU, field of the cream box. These incidents ended with denunciations and strong criticism of Jean Ferrari on social networks. The director of the student group repudiated the facts and criticized the actions of the FPF in this type of event.

On her official Twitter account, Jean Ferrari said the following: “This is reprehensible. A father of a family in a minor tournament carrying a gun? Security on the premises? What else needs to be done?” he asserted.

Then he continued: “The complaint and actions were immediate, we will take action from now on, initially only with local parents. The FPF always absent”.

What happened in the VIDU?

The classic of the 2008 category between Universitario and Alianza Lima unfortunately ended in the VIDU, sports venue of the merengue team in Lurín. Beyond the result (2-1 in favor of the ‘Intimates’), what marred the event was a fight carried out not by the players, but by the attendees. There were even shots fired into the air. On the fact, the ‘U’ spoke through a statement.

“A person who we have fully identified in photographs, one of them inside the rival team’s bus, fired shots in unknown circumstances, generating a moment of shock and terror among the players, families in attendance and staff working at the headquarters. of the club”, reads in the first lines of the statement.

Likewise, according to the Twitter user “@legua_andres”, it all started after the final whistle of the 2008 category match, where the intimates won 2-1. The person in question assures that a cream ‘fan’ wanted to steal a banner from an Alliance fan. After that, the brawl was formed by the use of a firearm.

Source: Elcomercio

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