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Talemtus Callao: women’s soccer team will represent Peru in the Gothia Cup Youth World Cup

The women’s children’s tournament “Meet the World 2022” concluded with Talemtus Callao qualifying for the Gothia Cup World Cup to be played in Sweden. The Chalaco team showed a great collective performance where names such as Valentina Pedroza (scorer of the Tournament) and Gina Polanco (best soccer player of the championship) stood out.

For five consecutive dates, the winning team faced seven other sports clubs from Lima, reaching the final with Academia Roma, where they finally came out the winner with a score of 2 to 1.

Thanks to the sponsorship of SKF Peru, all the girls of the champion team will prepare their bags to travel to Sweden in July and be part of the Gothia Cup, a world cup where soccer stars such as Xabi Alonso, Andrea Pirlo and, in the case of the Peruvian team , Yoshimar Yotún, have participated.

“With the support of the F7 Women’s Leagues, we successfully completed the ‘Meet the World with SKF’ tournament, which is an exhibition showcase to promote the sports talent of girls, as well as diversity and equal opportunities for all and all” , expressed Alonso Portocarrero, SKF Director of Operations for Peru and Chile.

For her part, Mariela Drago, General Manager of F7 Women’s Leagues, highlighted “We are very happy to produce the Meet the World Cup with SKF for the fourth consecutive year and continue to support the development of women’s football, giving girls the opportunity to participate in such an important international event. The work we do allows participating girls to trust that soccer can open paths not only on the playing fields, but also unique life experiences”

The grand finale was also attended by Anna Onnered, deputy head of mission of the Swedish Embassy in Peru, who congratulated all the participating girls, and encouraged the fathers and mothers to continue promoting the growth and development of their children through sport.

Source: Elcomercio

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