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This is how Serie B reacted after Lapadula’s agonizing goal against Benevento | PHOTO

Gianluca Lapadula gave him the agonizing victory of benevento over Pisa for the play-offs for promotion to Italian Serie A. In that sense, after finishing the game, the official page of the B-series reacted to this triumph to the delight of the Peruvian fans.

“A goal from Lapadula decides the first leg of the playoff semifinal between Benevento vs. Pisa”, they pointed out in a post that has been a sensation on social networks.


“Gianluca is fine, indeed he is better, not well… his ankle always hurts, but he has learned to live with the problem. My relationship with him is good, I will continue to say: I hope to have a conference with him next door, “she commented with a laugh, when asked by the Infobae page. In addition, the coach of the ‘Brujos’ pointed out that being a well-known footballer, it is normal that his absence in official games be questioned.

However, Caserta made it clear that “I have never had a fight, what happened in January has been clarified, I have said it over and over again. We have a very good relationship and sooner or later we will go to dinner too”. He even highlighted the work that the Bicolor center forward has been doing in the team, especially in the search for promotion to Serie A.

Lapadula in this category is an added value. He is used to playing in front of 70 thousand people, so in front of 15 thousand he has it very easy. He is an engine for his teammates who have never faced such complicated matches”, he maintained, not forgetting that “in terms of charisma and impact with rivals, it is very important”.

On the other hand, this Tuesday, May 17, Benevento vs. Pisa, from 1:30 pm (Peruvian time). Regarding this commitment, Caserta pointed out that “this team is doing everything possible to win back the fans. We have prepared well for tomorrow’s game, which will be difficult against an important rival”.

Source: Elcomercio

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