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The emotion of Ronaldinho Gaúcho to meet again with Pope Francis in Rome | PHOTO

If it is to collaborate, Ronaldinho Gaúcho always says present. This Thursday, the 2002 world champion was with Dani Alves, a Barcelona player, and Maximiliano Rodríguez, a World Cup player with Argentina, in Rome and met with Pope Francis. The presence of these football figures took place within the framework of the launch of a project that encourages young people from all over the planet to protect the environment.

As part of the program, the internationals were invited to the main stage to approach the pontiff. The Barça right-back was the first to greet the priest, followed by ‘Fiera’, Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s compatriot, and then an emotional ‘Dinho’, who already experienced that special moment a few years ago.

Right away, Dani Alves, ‘Maxi’ Rodríguez and Ronaldinho stood near Francisco to pose in front of the cameras. The Ballon d’Or winner then presented a jersey with the number 10 on the back to the Pope. He also handed her a ball, which was signed and blessed by the Supreme Pontiff before all those present.

In addition to committing to the initiative of the Scholas Occurrentes Pontifical Foundation and the Development Bank of Latin America, the athletes were the faces to present the match for peace that will be held at the Olympic Stadium in Rome on October 10 and will be, among other things, a tribute to the late Diego Armando Maradona.

The emotion of ‘Dinho’

Later, through his social networks, Ronaldinho could not hide his joy at, among other things, having the opportunity to be close to the well-known soccer Pope (he is a fan of San Lorenzo from Argentina). In that sense, the former crack of the ‘Canarinha’ left a message and the best postcards of the day.

“It is an honor to be part of such a beautiful initiative as ‘Jugamos Por La Paz’ once again… I am very happy for the opportunity to meet the Pope again here in the Vatican, thank you very much!”said the former attacker from Barcelona, ​​Milan, Paris Saint Germain, Flamengo, among others.

Source: Elcomercio

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