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A wall: Pedro Gallese saved the first shot in the penalty shootout of Peru vs. Australia | VIDEO

As happened in the 2019 Copa América, Pedro Gallese started the penalty shootout by saving the first shot. On that occasion it was against Luis Suárez and this Monday, June 13, against Martin Boyle in the definition of Peru vs. Australia for one of the tickets to reach the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

The forward of the Asian representative chose the right side to open the dramatic wheel. After the judge’s whistle, the player hit mid-height and the captain of the Blanquirroja arrived firmly at that place. The two hands of the ‘1’ of Orlando City to drown out the goal cry of the ‘Soccerooos’.

After that intervention, Gallese did not make much of a fuss and walked slowly towards the location that corresponded to him to continue the actions in the commitment developed in the Ahmad bin Ali stadium.

Peru vs. Australia: match preview

La Blanquirroja and the Socceros play for one of the last two tickets to the World Cup. Only last Tuesday, both representatives confirmed the commitment. The Australians faced the United Arab Emirates and won 2-1 to advance to the intercontinental playoffs that will take place in Qatar, the venue for the tournament that runs from November 21 to December 18.

The day before, Ricardo Gareca’s team suffered a major blow because Yoshimar Yotún accumulated another day without a coach. In that sense, the steering wheel is practically ruled out and his place can be taken by Christofer Gonzáles. In any case, the DT anticipated that the player will be evaluated. In more, the Bicolor arrives with its backbone without news: Pedro Gallese, Carlos Zambrano, Christian Cueva and Gianluca Lapadula.

On his side, the team led by Graham Arnold relies on experienced players such as goalkeeper Mathew Ryan (Real Sociedad), defender Bailey Wirght (Sunderland), midfielder Ajdin Hrustic (Eintracht Frankfurt) and striker Mathew Leckie (Melbourne City). ). “I am 50% happy with the team. I think there is still a lot to improve, ”said the Socceros coach in the prelude.

Source: Elcomercio

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