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Alexander Callens: “Almost two days have passed and it is still impossible to overcome this defeat”

The pain is still present in millions of fans of the Peruvian team. The loss on penalties to Australia in the World Cup playoffs was a huge blow and, with the passage of time, they will surely be able to overcome it. This is how Alexander Callens also understands it, who left an emotional message on social networks.

“Almost two days have passed and it is still impossible to overcome this defeat. I sincerely thank my family, friends and fans who are giving me encouragement to keep going. It is said that everything that happens to you in life leaves you with a lesson and this will not be the exception to come back stronger than before”the defender wrote in an Instagram post.

On the other hand, the Chalaco defender assured that wearing the red and white shirt is the best thing that has happened to him in his 30 years. “Almost a year has passed since my first official match with my beloved Peruvian team and I must admit that it is the best thing that has ever happened to me”he indicated.

Finally, Callens gave himself a message of encouragement and thanked everyone for the support: “Now it’s time to raise our heads and prepare for what’s to come, we are a team that together have overcome many barriers and we will continue to do so now. Thank you very much to all who have been in the good and, above all, in the bad. I love you Peru!”.

The Peruvian team lost (5-4) on Monday against the “Socceroos” in a penalty shootout, after a goalless draw that lasted until extra time. Gianluca Lapadula, Alexander Callens, Renato Tapia and Edison Flores scored and unfortunately Luis Advíncula and Alex Valera missed.

Source: Elcomercio

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