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29 non-runners because of the Covid, the race continues (for the moment)

The peloton is on alert as the riders engaged in the Tour de Suisse are hit by a wave of Covid. Three teams (Alpecin-Fenix, Bahrain-Victorious and UAE-Team Emirates) withdrew from the race and a total of 29 riders were declared non-runners on the Friday alone just before the start of the 6th stage, due to tests positive. Among those concerned, we find Aleksandr Vlasov, winner of the stage the day before and ephemeral new yellow jersey of the event. On Friday, it was his runner-up Jakob Fuglsang who started in the general leader’s tunic.

The Tour of Switzerland continues

For the moment and despite the growing concern, two weeks from the Tour de France, the race continues. “It’s a difficult situation which saddens us but everyone knows the rules, reacted Olivier Senn, the director of the event before the start of the 6th stage. The eighteen remaining teams have all agreed to continue and there will be no cancellation of the event today. We will make a point tomorrow (Saturday) hoping that there are no additional cases but for the moment, we are continuing the race as planned. For us there is no imperative to stop the event. The teams that decided to leave followed their own rules. »

Source: 20minutes

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