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Al-Khelaifi denies that Mbappé’s renewal was for money: “Real Madrid’s offer was better”

Several weeks have passed since the outcome of the Kylian Mbappé case was known. The Frenchman finally decided to discard Real Madrid’s offer and stamped his signature on the contract renewal with PSG. On the subject, Nasser Al-Khelaifi, president of the Parisian entity, gave details.

“I have great respect for Real Madrid as a club, it’s a great club, but Kylian has never decided to renew for the money, that’s the first thing. Real Madrid’s offer was better than ours. He is our player and he had other clubs in England besides Madrid, but he has chosen PSG and we have not spoken with him or with his family about his money until the last moment ”said the Qatari, in an interview with Marca.

Al-Khelaifi explained that Mbappé’s decision was based on conviction, because he wanted to continue at PSG, and stressed again that the monetary issue was not decisive.

“Kylian was above all interested in the project, football and sports. He is Parisian, he is French, and he wanted to stay here to represent his city and his country, his club, and what has been said about him is not fair. For them money is not the most important thing, they want to win and they want a sports project “he indicated.

The boss of the team in which Neymar and Lionel Messi also play, also spoke about the statements of Florentino Pérez, who assured that Mbappé changed his mind ten days before.

“I don’t know what Madrid says, if it’s been days or months. I have known for 18 months that Mbappé wanted to stay and she said it whenever they asked me. He heard that in Madrid they said that he wanted to play in Madrid, but it was not true. We are now talking about Madrid’s latest offer, but in the summer they made an offer of 170 and 180 million. Which means that Madrid’s offer plus his salary was already better than ours, like the one now.” counted.

Al-Khelaifi finally added: “I turned down 180 and they told me I was crazy, people I trusted, because you could go for free, but I did it because I was sure that Kylian was going to stay because I know him and his family well, I know what he wants. Kylian is very serious, professional, and what he wants is to win and play, he doesn’t care about the money. I understand that Madrid is disappointed, but it’s not fair to say that about Mbappé”.

Source: Elcomercio

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