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Alexis Sánchez back to South America: Flamengo will seek to sign the Chilean striker from Inter Milan

Changes are coming for two important players from Chile’s ‘Golden Generation’. Arturo Vidal leaves Inter Milan and is waiting to define his future, Flamengo being the most latent option; but the Brazilian team would not only be interested in the 35-year-old player, they will also seek to add Alexis Sánchez.

Although ‘TyC Sports’ reported that the institution launched a formal offer to take over Vidal’s services, the reality is that Flamengo has more economic material and would have presented a great proposal to the Chilean.

As reported by Globo, the Rio team made an offer to the player to be part of the club until the end of 2023; and, now, Alexis Sánchez could be added to the negotiations.

The striker has a current contract with Inter Milan, however, the little participation he has had in the last season, added to the arrival of Romelu Lukaku and the latent option of Paulo Dybala, would make the former River Plata player and Manchester United I changed their destiny.

However, the ‘Mengao’ will have to invest a high sum if he wants to add Alexis Sánchez soon. The attacker is quoted, according to Transfermarkt, at 3.5 million euros, but it is clear that Inter Milan will increase his figure, since his bond remains in force for one more season.

It should be noted that Flamengo is looking for a replacement for Bruno Henrique, who is out due to a severe “multiligamentary” injury to his right knee and, after surgery, his recovery will take between ten and twelve months, according to the club’s medical staff. from Rio de Janeiro.

Source: Elcomercio

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