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Arturo Vidal opened a survey to see if he should continue playing for Chile: this is how the results go

The Chilean team failed in its last two attempts to qualify for the World Cup and coach Eduardo Berizzo will try to change the landscape in the next Qualifiers. The coach will seek to exploit all the qualities of the stars in the ‘Red’, but worrying news emerged in the last few hours: Arturo Vidal questioned his continuity.

During Flamengo’s celebrations in Rio de Janeiro, for the 2022 Copa Libertadores title, the 35-year-old midfielder made an enigmatic post on Instagram: “I think the time has come, Chile, we have to decide what is best for everyone”.

In the same way, the “King” opened a survey on the aforementioned social network, so that his followers can choose about his future as a member of his national representative. “Do I withdraw or not from the selection?”was the question launched by the experienced midfielder, adding a flag of his country.

The results, which can still be modified, have so far been adjusted: 54% of the fans voted for Vidal not to retire; while 46% do want Arturo to stop playing for the ‘Red’. For now, the footballer has not spoken again on the subject.

Let’s remember that in the Qatar 2022 World Cup Qualifiers, the midfielder played 13 games with the Chilean team, always as a starter, and scored four goals. The former Barcelona player finished as his country’s second top scorer in that qualifying process: Alexis Sánchez was the leader, scoring five goals.

On the other hand, in his most recent stage with Flamengo, Arturo Vidal showed that he is still valid and participated in 15 presentations in the Brasileirao, inflating the nets on two occasions; while he had six appearances in the Brazil Cup, in which he was champion; and five in the Libertadores, a contest that he also won.

Source: Elcomercio

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