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Pablo Míguez awaits communication from Alianza Lima for contract renewal: “The subject has not been touched on”

Pablo Míguez awaits communication from Alianza Lima for contract renewal: “The subject has not been touched on”

Pablo Míguez awaits communication from Alianza Lima for contract renewal: “The subject has not been touched on”

Pablo Míguez lost prominence during the development of the Clausura Tournament. However, the midfielder reappeared at the right moment and was key in the final stretch of Alianza Lima. Thanks to that impulse and that of his teammates, of course, the Victorian team won the second tournament of the season. Then, the party last Saturday, after beating Melgar in the League 1 final.

Hours after what he experienced in the Alejandro Villanueva stadium with all the fans, the ‘Cotorra’ still has images that will remain with him. “We are very happy, enjoying the moment. He spent a dreamy and magical night together with the people. It was very nice to be champion in Matute “he expressed in a chat with RPP.

Immediately, Míguez projects the future and would like to continue defending the Victorian shirt to fight for the three-time championship. Although, Pablo admitted that, for now, no member of the board has contacted him to offer him an extension. Of course, the midfielder takes it easy and knows that the intimate are the first to whom he will listen.

“The issue of renewal has not been touched on. For now it’s time to rest and see what will happen later. Alianza Lima has the first option and my wish is to stay.”, specified the Uruguayan. And, if he doesn’t prosper, he already has a plan B in mind. “In case the renewal is not given, I would like to stay playing in Peruvian soccer unless something very important comes from abroad”.

While waiting for contact, the 35-year-old footballer prefers to go back in time because what happened at the alliance house will be unforgettable and even more so because he shared it with his loved ones. “I have a beautiful memory of what happened on Saturday. For one as a player and for my family it was beautiful. It is not easy to get a two-time championship”indicated.

Míguez, the keys to Alianza and thanks to all

To get to the celebration with the League 1 trophy, the Blue and Whites went through everything. In this sense, Míguez listed the moments that made the difference: results at altitude, the entry of Guillermo Salas and the departure of Carlos Bustos due to poor results.

On the Argentine DT, Míguez recognized that his work “He’s also important in this title, he put together the squad and left us a good number of points”. After the departure of the former San Martín, Pablo indicated that “The team needed a change and the ‘Chicho’ thing happened at the right time, it was key in changing everyone’s attitude”.

Due to this encouragement, Alianza came back and scored two high-altitude victories in Cusco and Ayacucho: “Both were extremely important”. To close, already in the second leg final and with the 1-0 down, the midfielder said that Yordi Vílchez’s goal changed everything because “We knew we were tying the series and everything was ahead of us”sentenced.

Source: Elcomercio

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