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“It was decided in the cruelest way”: the lament of Sergio Busquets after elimination

“It was decided in the cruelest way”: the lament of Sergio Busquets after elimination

“It was decided in the cruelest way”: the lament of Sergio Busquets after elimination

As in Russia 2018, the Spanish team stayed in the round of 16 of the Qatar 2022 World Cup. The ‘Red’ lost (3-0) to Morocco in a penalty shootout, after the goalless draw that lasted until time extra. After the match played at the Ciudad de la Educación Stadium, captain Sergio Busquets spoke.

“We wanted to continue. I think we have made merit during the game. It has been a very tough match, very physical, in which they were practically defending in their field. It was very difficult, but as the minutes passed, they wore off. We found more spaces, we had more arrivals. In extra time, it was a bit of the same”analyzed the midfielder in an interview with La 1.

Busquets described falling from the launches of the twelve steps as cruel. “In the end, we even had Pablo Sarabia’s chance at the last second, which was a shame. And then, it was decided on penalties in the cruelest way”, he added.

The 34-year-old midfielder continued to stress how difficult it was to create danger in the rival area. “It was complicated. It was difficult for us, but we have tried to wear them down, turn it around, try to find the spaces. Sometimes, we have achieved it and we have lacked that bit of luck from the last pass or the last shot ”, Indian.

Likewise, the footballer who plays for FC Barcelona lamented the lack of efficiency in penalties. “It’s always a toss up. This time, he has touched us cross. From the beginning, we have failed the first three and that is very difficult ”, express.

Lastly, Busquets left his future in the national team up in the air and highlighted the youth of the group. “Now the important thing is the selection, not me. It is a difficult, hard night and we will have to get up, which will serve as an experience for the future. We are in a good dynamic, with a very good group, very young people, who will surely be hardened by this and will be very useful for the future. We have to keep going”he pointed.

Source: Elcomercio

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