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What is the project that Juan Reynoso has in mind with the clubs in favor of the national team?

From La Videna they know that current football has other seasonings than the good touch or the ability that characterizes the Peruvian. Work is being done on physically empowering soccer players and Juan Reynoso wants to go one step further in this regard.

In the press conference this Monday, the coach of the Peruvian team Juan Reynoso was repetitive in the idea of ​​using technology to measure the performance of the players and from there generate indicators for growth.

“There are 5 months of work that has allowed us to have a clear picture of the League, from day to day,” Reynoso began by telling the press. He knows about the work that the clubs do, but he expects much more.

And the Qatar 2022 World Cup sets the tone for him. “You see athletes who are soccer players. Before they were looking for soccer players. Now we see teams with players with biotypes that make them compete at the level they do”, he said regarding what he has seen in the World Cup teams.

Without trying to compare himself, he knows that this is the way. “We have seen that many of the players in the local league come with anthropometries that are not those of an elite player and that comes from bad habits, from not eating well, from not hydrating well,” he said. And that is where the project that the FPF recommended to the clubs was born.

From the FPF they have recommended to all the clubs that the measurement technology be used for the players in all training sessions -many already do it-, but not only that, the technical command of the team seeks to have access to that information in order to work hand in hand with the clubs in the improvement of the players.

“We need to have more information on what happens day by day. There is an interesting project endorsed by the FPF to be able to generate GPS technology to not only have information on the matches, but also on day-to-day training. It will depend on how the clubs are convinced. That will allow us to be closer in supervision, closer in control so that the league grows in intensity”, said Juan Reynoso.

It is the recommendation that has been made from Videna to the clubs. “It is the way”, they believe from the Peruvian team. “This technology will be important to be aware so that when the players arrive we do not arrive with a lot of fat, little muscle. With habits that are not suitable for high competition”, says Juan Reynoso, who would start this work with the Under 17s, Under 15s, because they are ages in which habits can be changed.

Juan Reynoso said it on his first day at La Videna. “I think it’s a good time to do a total reengineering.” He, well, he has started to get down to work.

Source: Elcomercio

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