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Chemo del Solar: the story behind his firm, why he was chosen and what his project at the FPF consists of

Chemo del Solar: the story behind his firm, why he was chosen and what his project at the FPF consists of

Chemo del Solar: the story behind his firm, why he was chosen and what his project at the FPF consists of

“After Sporting Cristal, I made a bad decision in 2007: ‘seize’ the selection of Peru very young. In the last 30 years of the national team there has not been such a young coach at the helm”recently confessed in an interview for the international portal “The Coaches Voice” in which he recalled his career and accepted his time at the Bicolor as a mistake.

Chemo was 39 years old at the time, but only two as a technician. He started next to the Argentine-Spanish John Antonio Pizzi in Columbus of Santa Fe -they only directed three games-, then he put on the diver of Glass with which he won the national title in 2006 and lived his second -and last- experience abroad in University catholic From Chile.

Today, Del Solar is more curdled, with more experience. He directed the U, San Martín, Cristal and spent five years in César Vallejo. In fact, in the Trujillo club he was very involved in the formation of players.

“I was not directly in charge of the minors, but I did work a little hand in hand, I went to training, I watched the Reserve games ”Edwar Alva, a GOLPERÚ journalist who covers the Trujillo clubs, tells us.

This profile was liked by the Peruvian Football Federation, especially Juan Carlos Oblitas, General Director of Football of the FPF. That is why the one chosen to replace Ernesto Arakaki will be Chemo.

The name of Del Solar was very touched months ago, in the midst of the convulsive days that Videna lived after the fall of Peru in the playoff against Australia and the subsequent departure of Ricardo Gareca. It was even said that he was going to replace Oblitas himself. But his relationship with the ‘Blind Man’ always remained intact. And the former World Cup player is one of the most excited about the coach’s arrival.

Chemo del Solar made his debut as coach of the Peruvian national team in August 2007.

What will your work at La Videna consist of?

José Guillermo del Solar will replace Ernesto Arakaki as Head of the Technical Unit for Minors. The ‘Chino’ was in charge of the position from November 2019 to November 2022. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ex-Alianza Lima’s job was complicated.

Now, Chemo will have the task of watching over all the minor categories of the Peruvian team and, above all, giving it personality, an identity that it has not been able to achieve for many years. The intention is that the juniors are empowered and can compete internationally.

“’Chemo’ is a symbol player of Peruvian soccer for the last 30 years. He has trained in Europe, he has managed big clubs, he has been champion here. , declared the coach Juan Reynoso a few weeks ago about the possibility of the coach arriving. In the end it happened and it will begin to work from January 1 with the intention of empowering the national teams.

Source: Elcomercio

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