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Kylian Mbappé has “always felt the responsibility of making the championship grow”

Kylian Mbappé has “always felt the responsibility of making the championship grow”

Kylian Mbappé has “always felt the responsibility of making the championship grow”

Nice shot for Esquire spanish version. The men’s magazine landed for its September issue a long interview with Kylian Mbappé, who is obviously talked about a lot in the country. While he still has not extended with PSG and he is insisted on at Real Madrid, the French striker retraces his career, his debut with the pros, his first big victories, his vision of the profession and of the accompanying status.

On what interests everyone at the moment, no shattering revelations, of course. Mbappé still lets hear, oh surprise, that he will not remain his entire career in Ligue 1. “France is not the best championship in the world, but I have always felt the responsibility, as an emblematic player , to grow the championship, ”he observes. His career plan has not changed since his debut: “I want to win everything,” he says. As easy as that.

From this very rich paper, to find here (if you read Spanish), we will also keep this little sentence, which each person will interpret as he wishes: “You don’t have to have dinner with your teammates every night to win” . And then some thoughtful thoughts on the notion of ego, a subject that is sometimes sensitive to him. The world champion assumes. For him, it is an essential element to become a great player.

The feeling of “talking to an experienced TV presenter”

“In football, no one will offer you your place or tell you that you can do things. It’s up to you to convince yourself that you are, he explains. The ego, the self-esteem, it is not a whim. It is also the will to improve, to give the best of oneself ”. So every time he walks on a lawn, Mbappé says to himself: “I am the best”.

No wonder that after that, the journalists specify that they had the impression “to speak to an experienced TV presenter rather than to a young football player”. It always has that effect with Kyky. Still on the same theme, Mbappé claims to be compared to the greatest, Messi and Ronaldo in the lead. “If you say that you will do better than them, it is a lack of conscience (…) But you always compare yourself to the best in your sport, he justifies. I watch other people’s games to see what they’re doing, and I think other players are watching me too. It pushes footballers to raise their level. “


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