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Vincent Labrune calls for state aid “for better security of matches”

Vincent Labrune calls for state aid “for better security of matches”

Vincent Labrune calls for state aid “for better security of matches”

On Wednesday, the disciplinary committee of the LFP will take up the file of the serious incidents that punctuated the match between Nice and OM on Sunday evening. The procedure promises to be long and complicated to establish the responsibilities of each and to arrive at adequate sanctions. In the meantime, the President of the League, Vincent Labrune, sent a letter on Tuesday to the Ministries of the Interior, Justice, National Education and Sports to express his concern and demand more resources to fight against violence in stadiums.

“The securing of football matches and the management of certain supporters are particularly complex,” writes the manager in this letter revealed by RMC Sports. Labrune points to problems in the stands in five games already, while the championship has only resumed for five days.

A round table to find “lasting solutions”?

“It seems important to me to alert you to let you know of our concern and remind you that the powers of the LFP are, after all, quite limited to resolve these problems of violence and public order,” he observes. It is essential that the troublemakers be sanctioned significantly and this requires joint action by clubs, authorities, local and national public authorities, but also and above all the justice system. “

Finally, Vincent Labrune says he is at the disposal of the ministries requested to find “lasting solutions for better security of the matches”. Intending by this to push the public authorities to sit around a table, already, to tackle the subject.


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