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Vocalist of the Tsetse Fly: “It will be an honor to sing for the ‘U'”

Vocalist of the Tsetse Fly: “It will be an honor to sing for the ‘U'”

Vocalist of the Tsetse Fly: “It will be an honor to sing for the ‘U'”

For this reason, the Universitario de Deportes decided to hire the services of the Tsé Tsé Fly, which will be in charge of leading the musical show, tomorrow, Saturday, January 7, 2023, on the south esplanade of the Monumental Stadium starting at 11:30 p.m. just finished the presentation match against Aucas. A chat with Guillermo Novellis, the voice of this legendary group.

—How did the possibility arise for you to sing in Noche crema?

We have a very soccer tradition in terms of our songs and what I understand is that the ‘U’ fans sing some of our songs. Surely that has been the biggest attraction to be able to participate in the Cream Night.

—Is it the first time that you will sing in the presentation of a football club?

No, it’s not the first time we’re going to play in a football stadium. We have done it in Paraguay, we have celebrated some championships in Argentina, since we have been hired by Lanús, Banfield. We were also in a Boca Juniors Copa Libertadores and we have been in some farewell to the national team prior to the World Cups. We have participated many times in the Stadiums, in Pumas, with Rugby. We always have a relationship with songs for sports. It is the first time in Peru to sing in a soccer stadium and the ‘U’ is one of the two most important teams in Peruvian soccer. So it will be an honor for us to be there that night.

—What does it mean for you to return to Peru, a country that remembers and values ​​your music?

It is very exciting to return to Peru, to play in such an important setting, we know that we have many followers and fans. We have great expectations, a football stadium, a club party, the opening of the season, the truth is that we are very excited, since the year begins and we are very happy and anxious.

—What do you know about Sports University? Have you heard of any players out there?

Yes, of course, Universitario de Deportes during the 1970s, I remember, was a major player in the Copa Libertadores. I remember that he reached the final and I remember a player who was a star in the 70s, specifically in the 1970 World Cup in Mexico, Héctor Chumpitaz, number 5, an impressive player. Teófilo Cubillas played in Alianza Lima, a formidable midfielder who reached the quarterfinals of said World Cup and put in a very good performance when Brazil was champion.

—The fan of the ‘U’, what will he see in his presentation of the Tsetse Fly?

Well, in the presentation of the Monumental, the people of the ´U´ will see a tour of all our hits that are classics, all those songs that have played on the radio and some that are not so well known, but that we always have in our show in alive. Maybe they won’t let us sing “Boys, now we came to get excited”, although it is a song that encourages the Argentina team, I think many Peruvians, not so much with the Argentina team, more than anything with Messi who He is a spectacular player, I think everyone wanted him to retire from football by winning a world championship. I think the entire planet is a fan of Messi.

—The song “Boys, now we came to get excited” has been a success…

It arose from a letter written by a boy, a Racing fan and a big fan of the team called Fernando Romero, his letter went viral and we contacted each other, we decided to record it, of course respecting his copyright, respecting the letter, what The rest is known history, the Argentine team began to win games and gain confidence, in the end the World Championship was achieved and our song became very popular. It is a simple story, but magical at the same time.

—After many years in music, what has been the happiest and most difficult moment of the “Tsé Tsé Fly”?

There have been many happy moments, but the consecration of the Argentine national team that came out champion in Qatar, our song sung by thousands of people, that has really moved us a lot. On the other hand, the saddest moment in our history was the loss of our bass player who died of a heart attack, very young, 48 years old, Adrián Cionco and that is the saddest moment the band has experienced.

—What does it mean to you to have sung with Karol G?

Well, that Karol G has invited us to the concert in Buenos Aires, at first it was a surprise, because we have nothing to do with her style, but when she contacted us, she explained that when she was very little in Colombia, her favorite songs were one of the Tsé Tsé fly called “To not see you anymore”, so he invited us to the stage with great generosity to share with his audience. The truth was beautiful, exciting and we feel very flattered with that proposal. In addition, to reach an audience that didn’t follow our music, a much younger audience. So happy in that sense, it was an honor and a very nice moment.

—You have played on five continents and your name is a respected brand, how would you like the Tsetse Fly to be remembered?

The truth is that the dream of every artist is to transcend beyond our own existence and I believe that there are many songs that will transcend when we are gone, surely our songs will remain in the memory of many children, especially during the World Cup and some our classics. We want to be remembered as a band that brought joy to people and made them very happy.

Source: Elcomercio

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