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Crisis at FFF: The executive committee will urgently meet to ask President Le Grae to explain

Never before had the throne wavered so. Noel Le Grae will soon be heard by his own executive committee (Comex), information we may disclose. This meeting, scheduled for the coming days, does not mean that his dismissal will be officially required. But it is increasing pressure on the French football boss, more isolated than ever and in open war with Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castera.

Earlier in the day on Tuesday, FranceInfo reported that several members of the Comex, that body that brings together Le Grae, eleven people elected with him in March 2021 in the first round, and two ex officio members (president of the Professional Football League and the Amateur Football League) insisted on convening a meeting. With number two Philippe Diallo and OL president Jean-Michel Aulas on the front lines.

Expansion of DD without consultation strained

This request, which requires the approval of at least four of its members, has now been accepted. There will be three main items on the agenda. The first concerns management as such and the reasons why Comex was not consulted or informed before the extension of Didier Deschamps until 2026. This extension was indeed made public with great fanfare last Saturday, the day after the Comex meeting.

Secondly, the leaders want clarification on the way out of the Menhira road against Zinedine Zidane. They are, to put it mildly, surprised that there was a short circuit in the FFF communications service.

Finally, the startling testimony of Sonia Suid will be discussed. The players’ agent told L’Equipe and BFMTV on Monday that it has suffered from inappropriate advances, with supporting evidence (SMS, voice messages, calls).

Le Grae called every Comex member

However, according to our information, Noel Le Grae has consulted with each of the 13 Comex members to see if he wants to retire. Let’s remind, Comex cannot dismiss the president. He can simply push him to leave by putting him in the minority and asking for an extraordinary Federal Assembly.

According to the regulations, this assembly, made up roughly of league and district leaders, is the only legal assembly that can dismiss the president of France’s largest sports federation. A vote will then be held to decide whether to support Comex in its entirety. It should be noted that the Federal Assembly can also hold on to itself, since this demand comes from at least a quarter of the representatives.

If Le Grae had retired, the situation would have been different. The remaining 13 members of Comex will remain in their places. And it is Vice President Philippe Diallo who will take over as interim president until the next General Assembly, scheduled for June 10th.

Source: Le Parisien

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