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A worrying result: Peru and the three compelling reasons for a defeat that leaves us on the brink of elimination

A worrying result: Peru and the three compelling reasons for a defeat that leaves us on the brink of elimination

A worrying result: Peru and the three compelling reasons for a defeat that leaves us on the brink of elimination

Peru resisted 45 minutes. Like against Brazil in the debut, maybe. That is the first conclusion of a new defeat of the peruvian team in the South American Sub 20: 2-1 vs. Colombia. But football does not reward for the number of minutes supported. Nor does he show solidarity, much less comfort. Either you score more than your rival or you go home with the bitter taste of defeat. As simple as adding two plus two.

The Bicolor for a moment was excited. Dieter Vasquez’s goalafter a great play by Catriel Cabellos, drew a big smile. At 37 minutes. A play that graphically represents Serna’s Peru: Amasifuén’s long kick that reached Cabellos after a lack of concentration from the Colombian defense and Racing’s invented a hat and left Vásquez alone.

He deluded himself and then woke up abruptly from the dream. It was in the worst way. Oscar Cortes He put the tie at 45 ‘, when everyone was on their way to the locker room. Those goals that emotionally hit many -Peru- knock them out. The second half, Blanquirroja looked more like a boxer trying to cover himself to take fewer hits on the rope while he prays that the minutes go by quickly. Y Cutsafter a corner kick, put the final 2-1, the KO blow.

With two games played, zero points, five goals against and just one in favor, the hope of the team is fading. Colombia and Paraguay, the direct rivals, were four points behind everyone’s team in the group A standings. The next date will be Monday against the Guarani in a duel that can bury any option. This was a final and it was lost. Below we provide what for us would be the reasons:

Disorder in defense, mortal sin

The teams are assembled from back to front, repeat the wise men. And it is so. Regardless of how much you attack or what you generate, the main thing in football is to defend well. Either with or without the ball. And that is an ailment suffered by the Peruvian team in the South American.

With the result in their favour, with minutes to go before the break, Colombia found a counter-attack tie. Amazing. A loss in attack by Bruno Portugal after a very slow backward pass, the coffee team started the counterattack from the feet of Puerta. The midfielder advanced with the ball through the middle. The only one who jumped to try to cut it was Jack Carhuallanquibut his resistance was minimal, he was not able to cut the play and he was scattered on the field.

Gate continued, released to the right to Cutswho received, accommodated and shot cross before the passive mark of Aron Sanchez and Catriel Cabellos. The team’s most experienced captain cannot look at the striker and give him so much space inside the box. A concert of errors that triggered the draw.

Photo 2: At one point in the play, Colombia is left with five attackers and Peru with only three defenders.
Photo 3: Cortés receives and has valuable seconds to get comfortable, visualize where goalkeeper Amasifuén was located and finish off.  Sánchez and Cabellos watch, they do not attack the ball.

no ideas in attack

In the second half, Peru went into shock. Still stunned by equality. And the attack proved that. Everyone’s team barely finished off the rival goal twice and one of those shots ended in a goal. Of course, it speaks to you of efficiency. But also lack of ideas when attacking.

The selection, with hair as a driver, he got tired of giving passes to the sides or behind instead of looking for the game forward or the long distance shot. He almost never found Portugal facing the goal, much less Pineau who entered in his place.

The minutes passed and the desperation to tie after the second goal of Courteous (74′) it clouded the national team worse, to the point that Cabellos stopped transmitting security with his passes and entered the zone of imprecision. Even in a couple of plays he went to get the wing out when he should receive the pass. André Vásquez played a great first half and in the second he disappeared.

Physical fatigue, a determining factor

First of all, it is necessary to point out that playing two games in 48 hours is unheard of. Even more so knowing that in the next 48 hours (Monday) the national team will play one more match. There is no proper recovery time, let alone trying to fix some tactical glitches. It’s just resting as much as possible.

Y Peru suffered the consequences. The five changes that Jaime Serna was forced to make were due to physical problems. The fatigue, the cramps, the fatigue itself made the Bicolor find no answers in adversity. The legs were not enough to keep running, much less to think with the ball in possession. Colombia finished the match more fully, attacking and defending.

Although it is also a call for attention to the physical preparation of the team. Colombia also played on Thursday and did not suffer as much as the Blanquirroja.

Source: Elcomercio

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