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French hand calls for the resignation of Bruno Martini convicted of “corrupting a minor”

French hand calls for the resignation of Bruno Martini convicted of “corrupting a minor”

French hand calls for the resignation of Bruno Martini convicted of “corrupting a minor”

The reactions were fast. And they are logically unanimous. Hours after the revelations regarding the arrest and detention of Bruno Martini for “corrupting minors” and “recording images of child pornography”, which resulted in what we found to be a one-year suspended sentence, the French handball authorities expressed themselves in two press releases. The National League, whose president since November 2021 has been the former Barjo goalkeeper, and the Federation demanded the resignation of the person concerned.

“The extremely serious facts revealed by the media at the beginning of the day, which accuse Bruno Martini in the context of his private life, prompted the League’s steering committee to urgently meet in the middle of the day to study the consequences of this legal case, announces the Hand League in a press release. Initially, NHL executives await Bruno Martini’s likely and desirable resignation, knowing that a possible conviction would rightfully render the function impossible. If this did not happen in the shortest possible time, they are collectively ready to return their mandate in order to lead to the organization of new elections and the termination of the powers of the president. »

Leaders who want to “remember their commitment to the values ​​that handball has always been able to embody, as well as their unconditional support for all victims of violence or discrimination” have already scheduled an elected general meeting. next March 7th. In the meantime, the League will be represented by David Tebib, the institution’s current vice president.

For its part, the French Handball Federation, whose chief officials are currently in Poland to support France, which will play Germany this Wednesday evening in the quarter-finals of the World Cup, “was today surprised to be informed of the extremely serious allegations against Bruno Martini “. Facts “that have no place in sports” are indicated by the authority in the press release.

The Fed, which is on the same wavelength as the League, is calling for the resignation of the former national team goalkeeper. “In line with its zero tolerance policy, which it has been advocating on this issue for several years, the Handball Federation reaffirms its determination to fight all forms of violence and intends to recall that it strongly condemns such acts, when they occur and regardless of whether the defendant faces.”

Philippe Bana, President of the Federation, will convene the administration as soon as possible to decide on how to proceed with “this serious situation both in terms of criminal law, and in terms of federal discipline and from a human point of view.”

Source: Le Parisien

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