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FIFA Sub 17 World Cup will no longer be held in Peru

FIFA Sub 17 World Cup will no longer be held in Peru

FIFA Sub 17 World Cup will no longer be held in Peru

The U17 World Cup of the year 2023 will not be held in Peru. The event was scheduled to take place between November 10 and December 2.

Although in recent months there has been speculation about the possibility of our country ceasing to host said international tournament, it was only today that the board of directors of the Peruvian Football Federation defined the issue. There is only one officialization left by the Government. This was confirmed by this newspaper.

Earlier, the Radio Ovación website explained that the specific reasons for the cancellation of our headquarters have to do with the fact that the Government needs the financial resources that would be used to implement the World Cup infrastructure to rebuild the various provinces of the country affected by the cyclone. Yaku.

The aforementioned natural phenomenon generated overflows, landslides and million-dollar damage to infrastructure in various cities. Even some localities are still visibly affected by the ravages of Yaku.

Our country has already hosted the Under 17 World Cup in 2005, resulting in the winner of the national team of Mexico.

Holding a tournament of this type implies an investment by the central government to improve sports infrastructure. Even several of the stadiums in the province that could have been used to play the Sub 17 World Cup have been affected by the heavy rains that have occurred so far in March.

The current coach of the Peruvian team in that category is former soccer player Pablo Zegarra.

Source: Elcomercio

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