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South American Sub 17, Hexagonal Final: classified, schedule, fixture, how to play and more

This Saturday, April 8, the last date of the group stage of the South American Sub 17 was played. In this way we entered the Final Hexagonal, with Brazil and Argentina as leaders of their zone and also as favorites to take the crown of the contest. Find out, below, everything you need to know to enjoy the final phase of the competition held in Ecuador.

How to play the Hexagonal Final Sub 17

This phase will begin on Tuesday, April 11, with the six classified teams. Each of the teams will face each other in the ‘all against all’ format, in a single match; where only four teams will qualify for the next Under 17 World Cup.

Classified to the Final Hexagonal of the South American Sub 17

As is known, the first three places in Group A and B secured their ticket to this final round. The classifieds are the following:

Fixture of the South American Sub 17, Hexagonal Final

Tuesday April 14

Friday April 14

Monday April 17

Thursday April 20

Sunday April 23

Source: Elcomercio

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