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Julián Álvarez and the curious story with the shirt that played in the World Cup final

Julian Alvarez had a great World Cup, the former striker of River Plate he finished the tournament being the undisputed starter and also, with his contribution of goals and assists, he led his team to the grand final of the World Cup.

In the final against France in Qatar, Julián started, however, he did not finish the match because he was replaced by Lautaro Martínez. The City striker stayed on the substitute bench while his teammates kicked the penalties and forgot his shirt when celebrating.

“I have saved the clothes I wore in the World Cup final. The shirt that I wore in the second half I remember that I took it off and left it on the substitute bench and since there were penalties later I went out to celebrate and left it there. I said ‘I lost it’, I asked the props and they didn’t tell me anything.”counted for Urbana Play.

“Now that we returned to Argentina, one brings it to me and said ‘I didn’t even wash it for you, I left it like that.’ Juan Cruz the prop man brought it to me, I loved it. I have it saved”, he sentenced.

Source: Elcomercio

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