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university vs.  Alianza Atlético live on Liga 1: schedule, channel, where to watch and more

university vs. Alianza Atlético live on Liga 1: schedule, channel, where to watch and more

university vs.  Alianza Atlético live on Liga 1: schedule, channel, where to watch and more

university vs. Athletic Alliance

For matchday 2 (pending) of the Opening Tournament, University vs. Alianza Atlético face each other live at the Campeones del 36 stadium.

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The matchday 2 recovery match between ‘creams’ and ‘churres’ will be held this Sunday, May 14, at the Campeones del 36 stadium.

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This Sunday, May 14, Universitario and Alianza Atlético will star in one of the most important matches of matchday 2 of the Liga 1 Opening Tournament. Follow the minute by minute via El Comercio.

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Source: Elcomercio

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