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How to find the perfect Peruvian referee?  All voices have an answer here

How to find the perfect Peruvian referee? All voices have an answer here

How to find the perfect Peruvian referee?  All voices have an answer here

Although the foundations of league 1 allow the use of VAR at any time during the competition, the recent statements by the president of the Peruvian Football Federation, Augustine Lozanowho indicated the desire to implement the system in the last two dates of the Opening Tournament, “as to already have a rehearsal of what is going to happen on the first date of the Closing”.

Is seriously? Do a “rehearsal” on the dates in which the title can be decided, with teams fighting for the accumulated, either to get closer to those at the top or to get rid of relegation?

The VAR is a tool whose purpose is to help the referee to administer justice.

Arbitrations have always been, as the old cliché points out, in the “eye of the storm”. Questioning his mistakes is inherent to an exciting game, in which the footballer uses deception as a tool to gain advantage. That happens here and in any field in the world. But it’s hard to remember a time as dark as the current one, with a string of such gross mistakes. Although technology makes it possible to make obvious flaws that before, with a bit of luck, could be disguised, horrors such as the offside prior to the second goal of Zambrano against Municipal or the disallowed goal against Unión Comercio against Cristal have no justification.

A few days ago, Carmen Retuerto, president of Conar, pointed out that it has been “Very energetic in talking with the referees to generate a reaction and improve their performance”. If Mrs. Retuerto believes that a ‘square’ is enough for the judges to raise their performance, perhaps it is time to appoint Natalia Málaga as her replacement.

The responsible thing is to look for fundamental solutions. Why not work, for example, on the professionalization of arbitration.

, so they must bear their expenses in case of injury. Since they must dedicate themselves to other jobs to survive, they barely have time to do their physical preparation or rehearse controversial plays on a playing field.

Winston Reateguiformer president of the Professional Association of Soccer Referees, believes that it is time to make contracts for the referees, establish a fixed salary and variable payments for productivity. This, he affirms, would generate competition because it would force the judges to improve their preparation. An old observer of arbitration work says that this proposal was raised several years ago and that it was rejected because the income offered did not meet the expectations of the judges, in addition to generating a high tax burden. “And it would make them employees of the federation, which would generate greater suspicions about their work”, Add. Despite this, he agrees that the issue of professionalization must be evaluated. Like Reátegui, he believes that whatever decision is made, it will not have immediate results.

In 2019, the FPF decided to use VAR in the finals between Alianza Lima and Binacional.  The experiment caused controversy and was not used again.  (Photo: Agencies)

Peru has known how to have men who have given prestige to the trade as Pedro Falcón, Arturo Yamasaki, Alberto Tejada (father and son), Edisón Pérez, Enrique Labó and Gilberto Hidalgo. Some of them directed world cups, qualifiers and even Copa Libertadores finals. They made mistakes -some terrible ones, such as Tulio’s famous hand that Tejada did not notice in the 1995 Copa América-, but they also gave shine to a job that has never been far from controversy. Improving our football is not just about raising the performance of the clubs or qualifying for a World Cup. Without good referees, the distance with the elite will become more and more distant.

Source: Elcomercio

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