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“In the Libertadores and Sudamericana, the poor formative work in Peru is evident” |  ANALYSIS

“In the Libertadores and Sudamericana, the poor formative work in Peru is evident” | ANALYSIS

“In the Libertadores and Sudamericana, the poor formative work in Peru is evident” |  ANALYSIS

If we look only at the statistics, the week has been fatal for the Peruvian clubs. A single point -and local- of 15 disputed in international tournaments speaks of a wild card country that everyone in South America wants to face because it is an almost absolute guarantee of a victory, be it at home or on another’s court.

The week also brought new targets for the fan’s rage. In accordance with emotional simplicity, his bad performances deprived us of being happy again.

So far there is nothing new. Pointing out those responsible is a more popular sport than soccer, especially in our environment, where many continue to believe that we were once very important and that if we did not reach more it was due to injustice. In the gallery of those responsible for these persecutory misfortunes there are plenty of coaches (Didi, Barotti, Gareca, Oblitas, Chemo)players (Chicho Uribe, Quiroga, Reynoso, Mendoza, Cueva)geographical and climatic issues (height, pitches lashed by rain, intense heat), bad referees (Chechelev, Pazos, Castro, Arpi Filho, Bascuñán, Mr. VAR)the bad blood of leaders and organizations (Havelange, Blatter, Grondona, Léoz, FIFA, Conmebol) and other more or less hidden powers.

Self-criticism is scarce, the awareness of our minimum level. When we don’t win, we focus on specific errors and not on their causes. We don’t appreciate the fight that Cristal made against River, but we do blame Grimaldo for crashing a ball into a post or not giving a good pass. Isn’t the fact that most clubs have foreign attackers a clue to our limitations?

There is, despite everything, progress. Shy and insufficient, but it exists. On Thursday, while the sky-blue was at war with Demichelis’s team, Juan Pablo Varsky recalled that it was one year since the millionaire’s 8-1 win over alliance. Unlike that time, this season the intimates took their participation more seriously and put together a team with pretensions. they did the same academic and Glass to the extent of their wallets. Probably not enough for an outstanding performance, but you compete better, which is progress. Going from international embarrassment to putting up a certain fight represents growth for a football that, at the club level, was until very recently a meme with chimpunes.

Praising an improvement, however small, is not conformism. It is recognizing a path to follow whose journey is long and winding. Without solid foundations it is impossible to have good results. The most important thing is to recognize where we are. And sustain what is advanced (or not, Melgar?).

Source: Elcomercio

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