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Suffering from health problems, Simone Biles believes that she “should have given up long before Tokyo”

Suffering from health problems, Simone Biles believes that she “should have given up long before Tokyo”

Suffering from health problems, Simone Biles believes that she “should have given up long before Tokyo”

Was it reasonable for Simone Biles to want to participate in a new Olympiad last summer in Tokyo when things were not going well? For Simone Biles, the answer is clear: it’s no. “I should have given up long before Tokyo,” New York Magazine​ Simone Biles, whose mental health issues had led her to give up several Olympic Games this summer, cracking under the pressure of the moment. “If you look at everything I’ve been through the past seven years, I never should have been on another Olympic team,” said Biles.

Considered the greatest gymnast of all time, Simone Biles revealed in January 2018 to be one of the victims of the former doctor of the American women’s team Larry Nassar, sentenced to life in prison for sexual assault committed during two decades on more than 250 gymnasts, most of them minors.

The great void

“When Nassar was in the media, it was too much. But I wasn’t going to let him take something I had worked for since I was 6 years old. I wasn’t going to let him take that joy away from me. So I pushed beyond what I could, for as long as my mind and body allowed, ”she explained.

In Tokyo, the 24-year-old young woman was to be the superstar of the Olympics. But when she began her medal raid, she had suddenly stopped, the victim of “twisties”, a potentially dangerous phenomenon which makes gymnasts lose their sense of direction when they are in the air. She ended up competing in an event, gleaning bronze on the beam.

“Let’s say that up to the age of 30, you can see perfectly. And one morning you wake up, you can’t see nothing. But people tell you to keep doing your job like you still have eyesight. You would be lost, wouldn’t you? Biles said. “I did gymnastics for 18 years. I woke up – lost. How am I supposed to continue? Continued the one who won a total of 32 medals at the Olympics and the world championships.

“I just want a doctor to tell me when I will be healed”

Biles, who had previously said his anxiety problems came before Tokyo, hopes to help end any stigma, so people can be diagnosed faster and treatments can improve.

“It will probably be something that I will work on for 20 years,” she said. “I just want a doctor to tell me when I’m healed. Like when you have an operation and it’s fixed. Why can’t anyone tell me that in six months it will be over? “


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