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Bryan Reyna to Gremio: What is missing for his departure to materialize, what is Alianza’s position and why is it a sale that would benefit the national team

The moment that the Alliance institution is experiencing is not the best, but the offer is there: it is 1.4 million dollars for a three and a half year contract with the Porto Alegre Guild and everything is agreed between the Brazilian club and the soccer player.

This newspaper was able to learn that Reyna and her entourage have decided to emigrate. It would be, then, the second time that the winger has played abroad after his time in Spanish football before returning to Cantolao and then -this season- signing for the intimate until the end of 2025.

However, the most important thing is missing: the signature of Alianza Lima, the third partner in the negotiation. Despite the fact that the player would have already said goodbye to his teammates and the new technical command of Nixon Perea, the Victorian entity does not intend to change its position: they believe that it is best for him to stay until the end of the year with a view to winning the three-time championship and they trust that a better offer will come. “We need it”, they told us from Matute. “We feel that something better can be achieved at the end of the year and we are going to help him in this,” they added.

In Alianza they do not want more instability. They want to fight for the title with all their weapons, knowing that they have the Opening under their arms and, therefore, the chance to play the final directly if they maintain their accumulated advantage. In addition, they feel that the numbers do not come close to the projection of the extreme left (approximately 840 thousand dollars for the 60% they have, while the rest will go to Cantolao), despite the fact that they would have 20% in a future sale.

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Why is it a business that benefits the Peruvian team?

It is true that for Alianza Lima the winger is the present and future of the club, which is why after 2021 in which he scored six goals and gave three assists in 28 games with Cantolao, they decided to sign him for three years. However, today we can say that he is already too old (24 years old) to call him a promise.

Bryan Reyna is, just over a month after the start of the Qualifiers, the only possible response to the eternal debate on the generational change that generates so much noise in Videna, in newsrooms, in the stands. Is there another better than Yotún? No. Another better than Cueva? Less.

Of the nationals, that League so beaten by those who do not kick five, the best of all is Reyna. Her goal on the Asian tour is a sign of something: with work, it could be that explosive combo that mixes Farfán’s zigzag speed and the scoring power of that Paolo who is in the books. His two goals in the Reynoso era are proof that he can be a winger with a lot of goals.

“It seems to me that it is the right time for Bryan Reyna to emigrate because Brazilian soccer is a higher level. There he will have to demand more and he will be surrounded by better footballers. It is up to him to seize the opportunity to grow. In Brazil he should improve what is pending: be more regular, more influential and know how to finish plays better in the area. That is often trust. It is convenient for him to leave for himself, for being more useful in the national team and for leaving money to Alianza and Cantolao”, analyzed Víctor Zaferson, a Peruvian journalist and scout.

Juan Reynoso always said that he prefers the players to be abroad because the pace of competition is different. And Bryan Reyna has the possibility of continuing to rise in his performance with a view to the Qualifiers. We all hope that the end of the negotiations between clubs and agents is the best for the protagonist who matters most: the footballer.

Source: Elcomercio

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