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Luciano Pena and Gabriel Alonso: Who are the ‘jewels’ with Peruvian roots who play for Messi’s Inter Miami

Luciano Pena and Gabriel Alonso: Who are the ‘jewels’ with Peruvian roots who play for Messi’s Inter Miami

Luciano Pena and Gabriel Alonso: Who are the ‘jewels’ with Peruvian roots who play for Messi’s Inter Miami

In the bowels of the pink team, which today is in the eyes of the world, and in the midst of the revolution that has caused the advent of Leo in North American soccer,

The first is Luciano Pena. He was born in El Paso, Texas, in 2010, and plays as a winger or winger on the left. His mother, Maricarmen, is a brave Peruvian who came to the United States almost 20 years ago in search of new paths, a new life.

When they moved to Miami, Luciano was four years old. He learned to love soccer for those afternoons in which he enjoyed kicking a ball with his father David and for the times he watched with admiration the videos of his uncle Vladimir Casapia playing.

”, Maricarmen tells us.

The coronavirus pandemic put a stop to the plans. But in 2021 it resumed, when they decide to join their ranks. “The club is first class, it has been from the beginning”says David before telling us that all the juniors pass three tests a year to measure the growth of the players.

“They tell you how you are mentally, physically and technically. In the last evaluation they decide whether to renew or not. My son has done very well, he has been told good things “Maricarmen adds.

Luciano’s idol is Messi. And his arrival in Miami filled him with emotion. He counts the days until he can meet his superhero, have him close to him, ask him for a photo. But he also has another dream: to play for the national team. A few weeks ago an external scout who works with the Peruvian Football Federation contacted him. It is a matter of time for it to come true.

Luciano with Maricarmen and David, his parents.  (Photo: personal archive)

Next to Messi

Soccer runs through the veins of gabriel alonso. His father, Pablo, is Argentine and played in the second division of his country before coming to the United States for a better future. His mother, Estrella, is Peruvian. And he never asked for a toy as a gift. “I want a ball”he told his dad as he accompanied him to his games.

Gabriel was born in 2007 and arrived at Inter Miami in 2019. “We live almost an hour from the training center. Paul tells us.

Gabriel Alonso with his teammates from the Sub 17 of Inter Miami.  The tallest is the cousin of Leandro Paredes, world champion with Argentina in Qatar 2022. (Photo: Personal file)

The only heir to the Alonso Ampuero family was almost always a midfielder, although now he plays as a left-back. “The two full-backs were injured and the coach tried it there. He did very well and they told me that they saw a lot of potential in that position due to his good control of the ball, his clear start from the back and his vision of the game ”adds Paul.

Gabriel’s idol, like Luciano’s and millions of children around the world, is Lionel Messi. But his referent, in his new position, was always Spanish Jordi Alba. And a few days ago he fulfilled the dream of seeing up close – and wearing the same colors as him – two megacracks who until recently he could only admire through a television. The Under 17s work in the same training center where the stars of the club do. David Beckham albeit in different fields.

says his father with emotion.

Alonso with Pablo and Estrella, his parents, on one of his many visits to Peru.  (Photo: personal archive)

The federation also has Gabriel in its universe of players, although it has not yet called him up for any microcycle so far. Although he already fulfilled a great dream: to see Messi, Alba and company up close.

Source: Elcomercio

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