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Do you already have the clothing ready that you will wear this Sunday in the Kia Half Marathon of Lima and 10k Powered by Puma 2023?

After several months of training, we are already three days away from the long-awaited date. Surely your nerves are on the surface and you are excited to run in the Kia Half Marathon of Lima and 10k Powered by Puma 2023. If during this time your habits have been correct and you have conscientiously followed each of your training sessions , everything will be fine.

So that you can enjoy the race to the fullest, we leave you four tips that will help you cross the finish line:

1. Wear comfortable clothes

It is key that during the race you can feel comfortable. Therefore, avoid wearing new clothes on the day of the competition. If you are going to buy shoes for this occasion, take ones that fit your needs. But above all try them beforehand. For long-term competition we recommend the Deviate NITRO 2 from Puma. These shoes have maximum cushioning and performance that allows you to run faster without much effort.

José Antonio Chávarri, head coach of the Puma Team, recommends wearing comfortable shorts, preferably short, and a polo shirt that is made of a material that allows you to sweat without problems. Keep in mind that the official polo shirt of the Lima Half Marathon has the ideal material for the competition, thanks to its DRYCELL technology.

2. Sleep at your hours

One night before, do not let the anxiety of the competition win you and sleep early. Your body needs to rest. It is best to sleep between seven to eight hours. “Days before the competition you have to avoid falling into excesses, because that can lead to negative things. For this reason, rest is super important for performance”, says Stefano Klima, runner and member of the Puma Team.

3. Hydrate and eat correctly

Ideally, in the last week you can eat a healthy diet. Raúl Alarcón, runner and member of the Puma Team, says that the best thing to do is to stop protein three days before the competition and consume more carbohydrates (pasta, bread, legumes, rice, among others). These will help provide more energy to the body and reduce muscle fatigue. Increasing the glucose level in the muscle and thus improving performance.

Likewise, Cynthia Santiesteban, triathlete and member of the Puma Team, suggests taking advantage of the hydration points during the race, to prevent cramps. Leonardo Mourglia, runner and youtuber, recommends taking a foam sponge, so that you can place it inside the glass of water that they will give you at the hydration point. This will prevent the liquid from jumping or falling on your face. In addition, you will be able to dose the ration of water that you want to drink while you are running.

4. Enjoy the race

Whether you are running your first 21k or 10k, keep in mind that the most important thing is that you reach the finish line and enjoy the experience. “Don’t suffer the race. Since you start, don’t get overwhelmed thinking about the last kilometer. Go step by step, mile by mile. Thus, successively, you will not realize it and you will have already crossed the finish line”, advises Chávarri.

On the route you will be well accompanied by the entire group of athletes and you will feel their support to advance kilometer by kilometer. Mastering your head, you will be one step closer to the goal. The mere fact of encouraging you to participate in this race is already a great achievement.

“On race day remember that you have to be the best version of yourself, every second counts. If you improve 5 seconds in your mark it is a lot. Little by little you will improve and in the end you will reach that goal that you set for yourself”, says Chávarri.

Keep in mind that the fundamental thing is that you are convinced of your full potential. You have trained, you have cared for the competition and you have what it takes to meet your goal. Let’s enjoy it!

Source: Elcomercio

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